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Mystic Troubles ^^

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  • Mystic Troubles ^^

    Hi fellow players!
    I need some advice from more experienced players.
    So, to begin...
    I started playing LoA 3 weeks ago, and i found its addictive as hell.
    I was lucky enough to start on a new server, thats why im in top 20 I belive (S322 Twilight Vale).
    I found myself on the crossroad, where I can buy/ do multiple stuff with all the resources I gathered,
    but have no idea, where to go now excactly

    My serv have a few cashers, im not trying to contest them, even thou, having only 650k br I can easily beat ppl with 800k,
    troubles starts when they have over 1 milion.

    I ended up being in top 10 on almost every single minigame or ranking: arena/gemonology/wb/ clashes/eternal spire/ ect ,
    that provide me plenty resources daily. Vip 4 also helps, I spend daily average 100 dias doing loop quests not to waste stamina.

    Main questions:

    1. What angel should i go with as deployed?

    * I'd preffer defensive one, now im focused mostly on pve, because there is no real
    chalange for me in pvp. I win either using main as a tank (11k dodge already) either
    they have 1mil br and Im not even going for them any soon.

    * I need 100% hit angel, i was using Vienna for now, but time to get some more scary threat ^^

    * My Vienna is lvl 55, should i inherit my angel right after i buy him or develop him from lvl1? Whats pros/cons?

    * What angels are my aims as ga/ deployed later (long term view)?

    2. Party composition?

    Djini / Main

    Nereida / Zweihander

    Sentinel / .........

    *I grabbed hecate crest and colected 900 rub to get her, meanwhile collecting badges and shards for bersk claw.
    My concept is to fire zweihander ( finally )and put hecate (quasi tank/ healer) with load of def gems and matk) and
    later fire djini to put claw. What u think? (Nereida/ Sentinel/ Dgjini one rebirth already)

    * Ill aim for IRB soon, so yes, I know i should pick LE, but i think hecate/nereida/djini will be enough support for now, ill grab LE later. Next week or so...

    3. Totems/Gems/Equipment /genereal :

    *What totem to go? Why? Should I go this +25 rage totem for now?

    *I found out, that it's optimal to abuse % bonus from enchanting stones and combing correct gems with equimpent,
    that's why my main have hp on helmet, mdef on greaves, agi on boots ect.
    (Is it good idea? I found myself im the only one doing so maybe i do it wrong, but im best on my br right now, dont know how much it matter honestly?

    * what item i need asap to win solo fight against stronger mains in pvp? (Stronger I mean 1 mln br atm)

    * what should i get to pass through PVE (zodiacs, eternal spires ect)?

    * on what hero focus in the first place? (Hecate/Nereida/Claw/Sentinel)

    I know it's a lot of questions, hopefully I find someone to help me with at least some of them

    If u have any questions or need screens, tell me.

    Regards, Poor Mystic ^^
    Last edited by kameldojlido; 09-26-2016, 12:37 PM.

  • #2
    ill try to give some asnwers :P

    Angel: Get Themis from luckywheel store for i believe 1800 points (got 100% hit and looks cool)

    Party: Nereida is a must have imo. Hectate, well im not a fan of it, but others like him. Try to get atleast 2 support heroes and 2 hitters. I personaly still love wolfie as a hitter (easy to get) , snow queen and bladedancer miya (harder to get). Nereida and LE or a healer as support and i think your party is pretty much done

    Totem: I used the rage totem for a longggggtime, still i think its good pick

    Focus first: your best hitter (in my case it was wolfie)

    To beat higher BR: Get good party and make sure they attack in a certain order (so play with the agility) and make sure support acts before hitters, so the hitter uses skill every turn.

    Ow and as for inherit angels...if the new angel is stronger, inherit right away Also make sure to use the best angels you can get as guardian angels....awaken them aswell if you can.

    More questions, just shoot ^^
    Last edited by den0ne; 09-27-2016, 12:44 PM.

