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what happen with boss called world boss

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  • what happen with boss called world boss

    First. Let me say thank you for great games.
    Nowadays there are so many things which can make player stronger and yeah its fun for PvP, BUT how about PvE? especially for boss called WORLD BOSS, arent they kinda weak??
    For some people, me for example who dont have a chance to attack even once, when we attack boss at the same time with other people and they are faster, we got nothing but cooldown even the damage we dealt was 0....
    and after the cooldown end usually all boss was defeated. Please at least give world boss more HP, its kinda pity for world boss to be killed with one blow.

    Umm, thats all thank you again and sorry for my english

  • #2 been complaining maybe almost 1 year,,but no respons until now
    IGN : yuna
    server : s236
    IGN : nenekPeot
    server : s310


    • #3
      They have added more hp but still takes 30s to die.
      Those players with more than 60 million br can hit 260 billion damage so kill bosses with 1 hit.


      • #4
        and if you have some *********** in server who are able to 1 shot even that strengthen boss, just because they can you will be soon have exodus players on other games or platforms where care more about game expirience
        for over a year we say because of strong players who can 1 hitt all 3 bosses and make wb unplayeable to other players ONLY CHOICE IS TO MAKE ONE BOSS WITH UNLIMITED HP AND TIME LIMIT EVENT but no one listen, words that is too much work to make it that way is **
        S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
        now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
        Guild - Lunatic Cafe
        UC 27 current server

        You are really alive when you have someone to die for


        • #5
          Originally posted by solowingpixy View Post
          and if you have some *********** in server who are able to 1 shot even that strengthen boss, just because they can you will be soon have exodus players on other games or platforms where care more about game expirience
          for over a year we say because of strong players who can 1 hitt all 3 bosses and make wb unplayeable to other players ONLY CHOICE IS TO MAKE ONE BOSS WITH UNLIMITED HP AND TIME LIMIT EVENT but no one listen, words that is too much work to make it that way is **
          But would the urge for wb be same if there wouldnt be flips and ranking rewards+ shop? i think not.
          Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


          • #6
            i agree, but this kind of reward event wasnt in original wb either, so if they change that before they should think a way to do it
            in other hand i dont see why there wouldnt be fliping cards and ranking rewards + shop if is changed to unlimit hp + time limit, -strong players will be on top of rankings anyway, but weaker ones will have chance to hit at least and count wb in devotion, chance to flip cars is given with attacking wb not just entering event
            now it will ends with 3 players hits wb and 1 or 2 cards to flip and most of players didnt even hit it, so they dont have cards to flip and dont get ranking rewards anyway
            Last edited by solowingpixy; 01-07-2017, 11:28 AM.
            S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
            now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
            Guild - Lunatic Cafe
            UC 27 current server

            You are really alive when you have someone to die for


            • #7
              yes, unlimited HP for WB is off limit. but if just main who is allowed to attack wb alone i think its good too...


              • #8
                Originally posted by azambomkid12 View Post
                yes, unlimited HP for WB is off limit. but if just main who is allowed to attack wb alone i think its good too...
                it is just me or i feel touch of sarcazm
                S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                UC 27 current server

                You are really alive when you have someone to die for


                • #9
                  Well no matter what changes be it eventually will come back to this point.
                  So if remove the 1% requirment from events, and replace it with join wb, it sorts 1 thing.
                  If change flips to be given all who join, not do hit, it solves another issue. And let flips give chance for dark core, so can get someting off the wb shop.
                  Then the ranks go to ones who has, better connection and strongest party.
                  More or less it be a compromise. But, the new ''devs'' do not tend to touch old dev work, so all we can do is hope and adapt to situations, since recent work is 50/50 1 shots vs cant kill 1 or all 3.
                  Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


                  • #10
                    whatever, but this one is very bad option, i done yesterday 40 bill dmg and didnt get 1% spins, last week on 2 days in row 3 and 5 cards to flip, i got to the boss, gets countdown with 0 dmg and bosses are dead, this issues are not from yesterday, we can have whole section in forum about wb and dw issues in last year and still they do very little or nothing, keeping to defend devs for doing nothing dont help either players or devs, it become a point of existing forum if need one year to actualy fix something
                    S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                    now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                    Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                    UC 27 current server

                    You are really alive when you have someone to die for


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by solowingpixy View Post
                      whatever, but this one is very bad option, i done yesterday 40 bill dmg and didnt get 1% spins, last week on 2 days in row 3 and 5 cards to flip, i got to the boss, gets countdown with 0 dmg and bosses are dead, this issues are not from yesterday, we can have whole section in forum about wb and dw issues in last year and still they do very little or nothing, keeping to defend devs for doing nothing dont help either players or devs, it become a point of existing forum if need one year to actualy fix something
                      But many asked for stronger wb, so now need to face the result of that. And probably now in general may be that many more ppl get locked out than before. So need to improve party, and hope for best.
                      And some in past said, that the no hit cd will be there since many attack at same time, and then outcome be that few get it due to fact other had better connectivity. So if players could atack 1 by one, each time, not many at same.
                      Last edited by AntifreezeUnder0; 01-08-2017, 12:32 PM.
                      Citizen of s210 Fiery Citadel-ua83-ub43


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by AntifreezeUnder0 View Post
                        But many asked for stronger wb, so now need to face the result of that. And probably now in general may be that many more ppl get locked out than before. So need to improve party, and hope for best.
                        And some in past said, that the no hit cd will be there since many attack at same time, and then outcome be that few get it due to fact other had better connectivity. So if players could atack 1 by one, each time, not many at same.
                        i am not mad about strong boss, i was first to raise hand for make him stronger, i just stated facts, making boss more hp, more pdef mdef and attack without fixing issues of CD without doing dmg, or making some changes to prevent 1 hit bosses from top players is like they do nothing, if i do more or less than 1% dmg is thing of my team strength, wb and devs has nothing about it, but blaming internet speed and connection for their incapability isnt fair
                        why nowhere in game log pages isnt stated warning that internet speed higher than 100-150-or more is needed to play game? it is global game, or it should be, players come not just from countries that have good internet connections they come form that ones who dont have it, so they can take thier money but wont do anything to make them to have same chance in game events
                        S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                        now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                        Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                        UC 27 current server

                        You are really alive when you have someone to die for


                        • #13
                          most of top players on our server enetring in wb with reduced number of heroes or just with main to give other players chance to hit, unlike some others who prove their ignorance and enter wb with idea to 1 hit bosses to make other players having less or no dev and spin numbers in wb event
                          now think how many work that fair players need every day to remove heroes, than after 4-5 minutes put them back than takes back all that is removed like cherubstones and artifacts
                          and for very long times in forums was from to time asked about making second team set so they dont need to change parties for every event
                          S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                          now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                          Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                          UC 27 current server

                          You are really alive when you have someone to die for

