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  • tickets

    why i wasnt get any, i repeat ANY answer on my ticket for over a month
    doing all what they wanted me to provide and after that they just f*** me off by ignoring
    S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
    now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
    Guild - Lunatic Cafe
    UC 27 current server

    You are really alive when you have someone to die for

  • #2
    Number of ticket?


    • #3
      i sended number on pm few weeks ago
      S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
      now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
      Guild - Lunatic Cafe
      UC 27 current server

      You are really alive when you have someone to die for


      • #4
        Originally posted by solowingpixy View Post
        i sended number on pm few weeks ago
        And i think i answered that.


        • #5
          dont think so, but in any case, think that i deserve at least answer on my mail from support why any of screnshoots i sended didnt worth of looking on it, because that what you says and what happen is exactly what it is problematic acording to ToU
          S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
          now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
          Guild - Lunatic Cafe
          UC 27 current server

          You are really alive when you have someone to die for


          • #6
            just to be clear i dont blame you or any mod here, you just clean what ppl from support messed up, and sometime even if player have right support dont want to help him in way they should just because he was dared to openly says that he isnt satsfied with way they acting
            S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
            now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
            Guild - Lunatic Cafe
            UC 27 current server

            You are really alive when you have someone to die for


            • #7
              Originally posted by solowingpixy View Post
              dont think so, but in any case, think that i deserve at least answer on my mail from support why any of screnshoots i sended didnt worth of looking on it, because that what you says and what happen is exactly what it is problematic acording to ToU
              This is quote from ToS
              Multiple accounts are acceptable, however this should not be used to abuse, exploit, or take advantage of any in-game event, bug, or game interaction. We have sole discretion with respect to identifying any username or account abuse.
              and i already explained you what is counted as abuse. If you still dont agree with it, you can reopen your ticket and ask to clarify decision made about your report.


              • #8
                solowingpixy if you send me a p m i will give you the contact address`s of the ones that own this game then if you do a little reseach you can find the email to send directly to the company boss


                • #9
                  hmm alkaris, i dont talk about multiple accounts, have nothing against ppl who make few accounts to make theyself life in game easier (but acording to that you qoute it is against of ToU if they use them for game interaction, so using them for ht, ta, td rose rankings etc etc is border line of ToU. correct me if i am wrong)

                  i was talking about account share and that is different things, so saying me that you can use other players account to collect their daily check ins, gets place in tycoon (so player who dont play for weeks is placed in top 20 in SS tycoon isnt game abuse?), using other players chars to disrespect other players in chat because user's char is blocked from 3/4 of server, use them to manipulate places in CoM, etc etc, so doing that is inside of ToU...well, i saw alot players banned for less than that in time game before that many merges, but even if you put aside all of it, it still stays fact that even i mantain ticket opened asking for update in that matter didnt get ANY answer for almost 2 months, if they answered me -we wont do anything because of it or because of that i even could understand that for some reason game rules are changed but full ignore i simply cant take as normal behaviour on support

                  and in the end just to state that from about 10-15 (few more or less) tickets i asked help from support i didnt get any answer that help me to solve issue, all problems i have with forum loging, loosing br-s, tycoon screw up with element scrolls where i get negative points and ended that tycoon with -18k points in elemnt scroll points and that cost me graet rewards in rankings, unable to get buffs in CS, and so and so was solved with help of other players from my alliance, guild or server, and when i started ticket about recovering dias i lost when was doing gold ticket hunt in capsules toys in time storm crushed servers in china i didnt get any answer for days and after that i got just request of screenshoot to make some prove....really? screenshoot of what? black screen? and that was sayed to me that is too much time passed for any action, if they act promply it wont happen , or they really expect players to screenshoot every action that we do in game, every capsules draw, every wheel spin?

                  i am sorry if you think that isnt big matter, maybe for you it isnt, for me yes, i spended my money on this game, money i earned, not given me from my rich parrents or founded on the street, and in the end of this i dont think having paraleled forum-ticket system is good, it isnt, you need to drop one of it because bouncing players they ask something in forum to make a ticket to support , and when support igonre them they need again to come in forum to complain dont help anyone neither players or game staff
                  Last edited by solowingpixy; 01-29-2017, 03:14 PM.
                  S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                  now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                  Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                  UC 27 current server

                  You are really alive when you have someone to die for


                  • #10
                    so i wont get answer here as well? is it legal to player who quited game ends in top 20 in ss tycoon, is that count as game abuse or it is allowed?
                    S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                    now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                    Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                    UC 27 current server

                    You are really alive when you have someone to die for


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by solowingpixy View Post
                      so i wont get answer here as well? is it legal to player who quited game ends in top 20 in ss tycoon, is that count as game abuse or it is allowed?
                      How it is game abuse? Does he uses resources from other character to end in top20? Its impossible, i think, cause there is no transfer of items in game.
                      Can you prove that person, which quit game is other person and not one returning back?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Alkaris View Post
                        How it is game abuse? Does he uses resources from other character to end in top20? Its impossible, i think, cause there is no transfer of items in game.
                        Can you prove that person, which quit game is other person and not one returning back?
                        lol, how it isnt possible??? making points from enchanted ores, consume regain event and so and so in tycoon , and person who was out of game for 2-3 weeks comes , stretch fingers and finded br and power increse without any effort
                        , and did you know how many points can be maded of sending roses that was saved for months from all accounts you run(and that was not yours alts) if you send it to one char ?

                        by definition of account sharing it mean that person dont come to game regulary or some period of time but someone else run that account for benefit of that player- is that correct definition?
                        so my friend that go to vacation and dont log for 20 days lost check in-s for that month is fool because he dont give his account to someone else to run it in that time? my friend that was in hospital for 10 days on surgery didnt log lose event rewards and check in-s is fool? for me 2015 was terrible year, mother, mother in law, father in law passed away, best friend died on work accident and few family closed people died in just 9 month time and i was fool to not give it my acount to somene else to run it?
                        and yes, we all know that some players are quited for good at least on our server, top players in old times, but some of them are inactive and some are runned from someone else (we know who and i provide screenshoot about it to support) on other thread you reported person who wanted to sell account, i dont see any difference betwen that and running someone elses account that was given for free, only difference is that player who wanted to sell is tried to get some of money invested in game back
                        all i say is easily to check, if support contacted me as they should i will point them what to look and when
                        Last edited by solowingpixy; 02-01-2017, 04:41 PM. Reason: gramary
                        S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                        now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                        Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                        UC 27 current server

                        You are really alive when you have someone to die for


                        • #13
                          making points from enchanted ores, consume regain event and so and so in tycoon
                          All of them benefit not your main account, but account you are doing it on, but sending roses for benefit of your main is break of rules and if you have of proofs of such trade you should send it to support. Or to me, if support dont answer it.

                          As for your second question, here is quote from R2
                          Platform FAQs

                          Q: Can I let someone log into my character?
                          A: This is called “piloting” and is highly discouraged. Although we do not actively seek out piloters, R2Games may mute, ban, or decide to do nothing against piloters.
                          Lets say that if account sharing is reported and confirmed and account were not used to benefit main account, this may end only with warning. There is also a rule that any losses which happens due to account sharing will not be recovered(for example, if someone use all your nectars and buy aegis shards with coins).


                          • #14
                            if they contacted me with this kind of message i could make screenshoot or point on who and what to look in logs but now time was passed, nothing to do now, and that person happy lives in server laughing in ours faces how we stupid are because he can help himslef and no one can stop him
                            S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                            now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                            Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                            UC 27 current server

                            You are really alive when you have someone to die for


                            • #15
                              well, new info, sended to you and to support, pointed finger where to look, i cant acces to logs to give much more info's, but...........................all on r2 now
                              S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                              now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                              Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                              UC 27 current server

                              You are really alive when you have someone to die for

