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account binding

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  • account binding

    hello i am from kongregate league of angels i have been off for awhile but now i see we need to bind our account to r2games am i to late for this i tried on kongregate but dont see how to do it

  • #2
    The transfer option only appeared when logging into the game on Kongregate, which would connect your character to an account on R2Games so that you could continue to play using the R2 Client. The game is no longer available on Kong, so the option to transfer is not available to you now.

    I do not know, since it has been over a year, if support will be able to assist you, but it does not hurt to send in a ticket and ask.

    Go to, select League of Angels Kongregate from the game drop down list, and include the email you use on Kong, the character name and server you last played on, and ask if it is still possible to transfer your character from Kong to R2.
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    • #3
      Dobrý den, m?žete mi poradit co mám d?lat s hrou? Nejde spustit, zkoušel jsem takové ty základní v?ci jako restart, odinstalovat klienta, odinstalovat prohlíže?, spustit v jiném prohlíže?i a nic nefunguje. Po odinstalovaní klienta už nejde ani nainstalovat zp?t, antivir to blokuje. Na jinem pc jsem zkusila vypnout antivir a tam by se to asi nainstalovalo, ale nenechala jsem to nainstalovat. Psala jsem i na podporu R2 games ale odpov?? byla jen to co už jsme dávno zkusila, zkusila jsme i router restartovat a prost? nic. Poradíte prosím co ješt? zkusit? d?kuji p?ikládám foto co mi hra d?la.


      • #4
        Do not bump 2 year old threads with an unrelated topic. Follow what support told you to do, and if it doesn't work, then respond to support and let them know.
        New R2 Community Discord Server:

        Received a random forum error? Refresh the page first, sometimes the error message is the error.

        Some inboxes are broken, including mine. Please don't send me private messages at this time.

        Rules of the Forum are found here.

        R2Games Ticket System for browser games:

