i would like to thank r2games for bringing us League of Angels and thank them for bringing us the platform in witch i have found the love of my life i know i have put many complaints in about the game-play issues and bugs but you have given me everything i need in my life the girl of my dreams will soon be with me and i have also made some great friends but this thank u comes for u and to my good friend greg thanx for giving me her as i was giving up on love and now i have a new lease in life again thank you keep bring us these great games and i hope more people like me and the girl i love will also find each other
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A great big thank you
just one more day to go and the love of my life will be with me forever never thought i would find her especially in a game guys dont give up like i nearly did we all have a special someone out there someone that makes us feel amazing its the best feeling u will ever find i would give my life for for her and when u find that special someone u will feel the same
I've been here for over a month now and we are more in love than everwill be though leaving him for a few days now. I have to get back to Sweden and pick up some things. he can't come with me because he needs to work so we have to spend 4 days without eachother. I will cherish every moment I have with him for the rest of my life <3