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old player want to be an archer

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  • old player want to be an archer

    please GM make an item that can change our is no fair if we just can choose mage or warrior. but now new player can choose archer class too.

  • #2
    don't see it happening !!!


    • #3
      nobody can see this happening, but there will be ALOT of unhappy players if they dont give us the option as there are alot of older players who wanted archer but never had that option at the time so had to pick between warrior or mage. so since they have now released the archer, us older players want the option of changing without having to create new character on a new server as some of us have spent LOTS AND LOTS of time building our current characters (and some even spend alot of money).

      so yes i agree, give us the OPTION to change to an archer


      • #4
        They said there will never be an option to change the class.
        [Guild] [Genius]Maraminx : half of the people went the wrong way
        [Guild] [Genius]Maraminx : we merged with idiots


        • #5
          we don't want to change class
          Low lvl Mystic at S77


          • #6
            It's a really good idea!!!!!!!! Why not after all it would be great!


            • #7
              I would rather have them add an additional toon/character spot per server so we can make that archer and still have our main guy all on the same server.


              • #8
                Simple answer

                Think Greed

                There's your answer


                • #9
                  Mostly everyone will agree that they expect there is and never will be a change option. Paid by cash or not. However, they SHOULD consider it an option. And if money is the reason not to have it, then make people pay for it. Simple.
                  I am all in on this game.... I will not quit!

                  Server r2games S40 IGN: Crimsyn LvL: 73 Class: Paladin Rank: Duke ****
                  Server r2games S185 IGN: Crimsyn LvL: 70 Class: Ranger Rank: Duke**


                  • #10
                    I dont see this going anywhere , even a simple rename was rejected XD

                    "What are you prepared to sacrifice"
                    "Victory costs, every time you pay a little more"


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BlackVerZ View Post
                      I dont see this going anywhere , even a simple rename was rejected XD
                      Rename isn't the same as changing class - everybody had the right to pick a name in the beginning. But players like me didn't get the right to choose archer when we started. And let's face it - the new class is very strong so many would have preferred it. I started playing the game on February, 2d, I am lvl 70 with almost 500k br and most of all, I made some great friends in the game - I don't want to abandon my server and guild to play archer. It's not fair to me as player who have invested a lot of time in the game, if not money, to not have the right to play with the strongest class just because I have been in the game for so long. And mostly I don't think it's a good marketing policy for the game developers to keep players in the game for a long time if every time they release better stuff the old time players don't get it. That will get most of us frustrated at some point and we will abandon the game. Have seen it happen with other games I have played, so I am pretty much sure it will happen. And let's face it - it's usually the long time players that actually spend money on games - you don't spent money on a game you may abandon in a few days if you don't like it. Most players spend some time in the game before they start paying for things in it. From what I have observed the more time a player have spent in the game - more he is willing to pay for diamonds and VIP.(okay, I know you may now contradict me that I haven't spent money as I already mentioned that and I am a long time player, but I just can't afford it, else I probably would have) But I also don't believe in random changing whenever you fell like it. I would be happy if they make it a one time event but will like it even better if they make it possible to switch class when you reach certain lvl or title.
                      s56 Starcrest Mountains

                      “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


                      • #12
                        admin say it will never happen, so it wont happen. it was long ago lol, i forgot which page it is


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by HeavyWind View Post
                          admin say it will never happen, so it wont happen. it was long ago lol, i forgot which page it is
                          If it was long ago - things have changed and they might reconsider.
                          s56 Starcrest Mountains

                          “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


                          • #14
                            Not gonna happen sorry.
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                            • #15
                              Originally posted by CafeAuLait View Post
                              Not gonna happen sorry.
                              Already wrote an entire novel on that but still not fair!

                              And by the way a reason for why it's not gonna happen would be really nice.
                              Last edited by R248241149; 06-06-2014, 04:41 AM.
                              s56 Starcrest Mountains

                              “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”

