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raging your party pally style

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  • raging your party pally style

    nereida +3, astral+0, let's have fun doing spire

  • #2
    nice copy of quin build...gj


    • #3
      look at all that dodge


      • #4
        Originally posted by R26005927 View Post
        nice copy of quin build...gj
        not really, he is taking advantage of a bug to get more rage than he should, while mine is precise. Nereida=33 rage, astral =+40 main=27. As for the claw build, had a stronger than him before he got his , except I kept some pieces on my main to delay not annoy my server too much (has a lot of cashers)


        • #5
          Originally posted by andreicde View Post
          not really, he is taking advantage of a bug to get more rage than he should, while mine is precise. Nereida=33 rage, astral =+40 main=27. As for the claw build, had a stronger than him before he got his , except I kept some pieces on my main to delay not annoy my server too much (has a lot of cashers)
          What? LOL

          Click image for larger version

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          Click image for larger version

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          What I watch as a kid?
          (白眉大ä¾* - white eyebrow hero lol)
          (奥特曼 - ultraman)
          (saint seiya - knights of the zodiac - 圣斗士星矢)
          (shin chan - 蜡笔小新)


          • #6
            Originally posted by qingyunjian View Post
            What? LOL
            I don't really get why you're showing this... guess it's to brag again.
            You were abusing the bug for weeks before you got your +15s
            <--- 700k+ BR Claw

            everyone knows there was a problem with claws not working how he should've, yet you seem to cry about which to me seems like you cant kill people you used to be able to.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Painindaback View Post
              I don't really get why you're showing this... guess it's to brag again.
              You were abusing the bug for weeks before you got your +15s
              he wants a medal


              • #8
                sigh haters gonna hate


                • #9
                  well +15 gives astral 55 and nereida 44, so idk why he shows that


                  • #10
                    Some people might say NO be we all now is a big YES.

                    Qing was the first one aiming at this build so all after is clearly a copy.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by stiivi View Post
                      well +15 gives astral 55 and nereida 44, so idk why he shows that
                      Please don't give out wrong info, nereida +15 gives 45 rage to whole party

                      +0 (30)
                      +3 (33)
                      +6 (36)
                      +9 (39)
                      +12 (42)
                      +15 (45)
                      +18 (48)
                      +21 (51)
                      +24 (54)
                      +27 (57)

                      You see the order?
                      Last edited by qingyunjian; 06-11-2014, 08:28 PM.

                      What I watch as a kid?
                      (白眉大ä¾* - white eyebrow hero lol)
                      (奥特曼 - ultraman)
                      (saint seiya - knights of the zodiac - 圣斗士星矢)
                      (shin chan - 蜡笔小新)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by EmperadorDeJade View Post
                        Some people might say NO be we all now is a big YES.

                        Qing was the first one aiming at this build so all after is clearly a copy.
                        Aiming at what?he has +15 astral child,+15 nereida and uses partner block (abused the bug before he got them to +15 for extra rage) while I use pally's lvl 75 rage skill with a +3 nereida, +0 astral for a temporary rage build with a much stronger claw . So much of a copy


                        • #13
                          its always someone will say bugs, abused the bugs, cash a lot, tralala... well jealousness will pop out as to whom is the original and as to whom is greater,,,mostly will say its a weak build, I have mine greater, I am strong and he is weak,,,lololol,,,,so what??? we are after the right and precise tips in order for us to be a better player if not devise our own strategy out of that so called "original" lmao...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by andreicde View Post
                            Aiming at what?he has +15 astral child,+15 nereida and uses partner block (abused the bug before he got them to +15 for extra rage) while I use pally's lvl 75 rage skill with a +3 nereida, +0 astral for a temporary rage build with a much stronger claw . So much of a copy
                            don't deny it andrei.. u r heading towards qing build, who is the copycat now?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by LoA_Cheal View Post
                              don't deny it andrei.. u r heading towards qing build, who is the copycat now?
                              on the contrary. I don't plan to upgrade my astral/nereida since my last build (aka the final build) has no use for it.

