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Does getting a match in CS ever get easier?

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  • Does getting a match in CS ever get easier?

    For the past week I get into only one or no CS matches. It's really frustrating and with the lack of honor received it seems it's pointless to even get those medals. I don't understand why it can't be like Wartune BG's where you just enter and it starts. No waiting hours in queue. I am level 46 if that makes any difference. Will this get easier later on? Higher level maybe? I don't want to be waiting all day just to get in 3 CS matches.
    Last edited by Roblox88; 06-14-2014, 01:07 PM.

  • #2
    if there not enough player doing cs match u cant join, lol it just show your in the wrong time zone or how dead the region severs realli r


    • #3
      Originally posted by R2352025 View Post
      if there not enough player doing cs match u cant join, lol it just show your in the wrong time zone or how dead the region severs realli r
      Im on east timezone and well I think there plenty of people in the server still. Idk how to tell if a server is dead or not but there usually like 80+ ppl at WB.


      • #4
        well i dunno which region you play in, but it takes me max 10 sec to get in to a match. i never had issue with allocation delay. in fact, i miss most of the times cus i get busy elsewhere :P
        League of Angels

        S94 Lonewind Forest
        Magus Rynd


        • #5
          omfg had the best cs ever.. top 10 in 3v3 team,... lol we lost still, anyhow pending on your lvl too it effect the cs matchs too


          • #6
            Originally posted by Roblox88 View Post
            For the past week I get into only one or no CS matches. It's really frustrating and with the lack of honor received it seems it's pointless to even get those medals. I don't understand why it can't be like Wartune BG's where you just enter and it starts. No waiting hours in queue. I am level 46 if that makes any difference. Will this get easier later on? Higher level maybe? I don't want to be waiting all day just to get in 3 CS matches.
            I hope this game doesn't become like Wartune, otherwise I'll quit just like I did with that one (whatever reason). Anyway, I think the main reason why CS works differently here it's because Wartune's BG is scheduled three times each day at the same time and each one of them only lasts one hour - if I remember correctly. That pretty much "forces" players to participate en masse all at the same time, thus making sure you never find an empty BG. In LoA the time window to join CS is A LOT wider. Without a queue, a free entry could lead to empty or unfair CS games. That's why you need the queue.

            I'm lvl 67 right now and as far as I can remember I've never had any particular problem with joining CS. Maybe try to do it later, like 3 or 4 hours after the opening. That way you should find more people queued and you should wait less.

            Still, hope LoA stays the way it is. Last thing I want is to start losing Hono... err, Prestige each time I'm defeated in CS.

