so you guys won't stop making new servers because of god knows why and you won't merge older servers into newer servers because you want to keep the playing balanced? seriously?! how is it balanced. new servers have 100's of active members. older servers have 20 active players it seems at a time. newer servers have world chat GM's older servers do not.... how is that balanced? please explain that to me because i don't see it as that. if it's because you want more money in your pockets....well my server still has people who spend money on your game but are getting a disservice from you when you won't stop making new servers and you won't merge older servers that have very little activity on it.
it's my opinion you need to rethink your decision on mergers not being allowed. i'm not starting on a new server because you won't deal with your older servers anymore. you don't give us gm's to speak with on world chat and we really don't have that much of a game left on our server and many other's because some people just bit the bullet and went to your new server. if it's a no then i'm not playing the game anymore. i seriously just wanted to have something to play that i thought was entertaining but how is tc entertaining when guild chat goes a little something like this "your turn to get the flag.... okay u go.... did we get all the flags up top?.... oh wait there's that one on the bottom still left you get it i already had 13 flags this round."
please tell me how that sounds balanced to you r 2 games... i'm waiting.
it's my opinion you need to rethink your decision on mergers not being allowed. i'm not starting on a new server because you won't deal with your older servers anymore. you don't give us gm's to speak with on world chat and we really don't have that much of a game left on our server and many other's because some people just bit the bullet and went to your new server. if it's a no then i'm not playing the game anymore. i seriously just wanted to have something to play that i thought was entertaining but how is tc entertaining when guild chat goes a little something like this "your turn to get the flag.... okay u go.... did we get all the flags up top?.... oh wait there's that one on the bottom still left you get it i already had 13 flags this round."
please tell me how that sounds balanced to you r 2 games... i'm waiting.
