cmon, this is really taking so long, cant u do that event at least till +25? i mean, it took u forever till u upgraded it from +9 to +11... only per 2 lvls? ***? u think after that long time we are able gather blessed stones only for 2 ****** lvls? totaly useless event that award only those that play this game 1hour per week.. GOSH
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Hero upgrade
Originally posted by Anguiss View Postyou dont absolutely get the point, so stop flame. only to issue posts here..
"you dont absolutely get the point" ----> You absolutely don't get my point
"so stop flame" What in the 7 blazes of hell is this suppose to mean?
"only to issue posts" After reading it a while, I think you meant to say 'only here to post my issues'
^ I agree with Istanda, there are people with new, unupgraded heroes that may need that event on your server. So you can't speak for the whole population of your server.Shadowbound
[S19] Bahold Castle - Solaria Luna - Warrior - Lv75
[S75] Secret Sanctum - Hunter - Lv38
League of Angels
[s147/ua25] Thane of Winter Sorceror - Lv79
Eternal Saga - Ranger - Retired
Lunaria Story - Elementalist - Pretty much retired
That being said character names in games I play is Solariai
Originally posted by Blackofblackest View PostIf you really want the reward, you can just recruit a hero and upgrade it. You 'waste' bless stones but you gain seraphs so something's gotta give. Or you can just ignore the event and gain seraph stones from other means.
then what? lolx
in general people are just asking for extension of reward frm +12 - +25 maybe
(because in tyco this is a big deal if a player can upgrade +11 in that time he instantly
get 250 seraph which is 1.5k points! dont you understand? it isnt just abt the reward,
its also the fairness of the game)
Well now now, no need for name calling here. It's not unfair when you also got the chance for those rewards. It's not like the event popped up today when all your heroes are already +11. Also, recruiting a new hero is not as stupid as you think it is, some are doing it at their own risk. Like i told you, something's gotta give if you want those rewards.
to Istanda: if u dont know what mean flame, its ur problem, its word generaly used in discussions, utfg ignorant.... and im not asking too much, im asking for fair play AND its not for you to comments here, this is discussion about SUGGESTIONs u know? or, u feel bad that u dont have your heroes upgraded and u cant get enough bless stones? feel sorry for you, but dont cry here
to Solariai: i can speak for my server, there are 20 active players there... (and we asked merge monthes ago, but who caare?)... and im not telling they should remove rewards for low upgrade, im asking for including rewards for higher upgrades
to random guy: in my server heavy cashiers has +15 already, and they dont care about rewards from that event(they have other ways to get into ranks and gather seraph stones)
to anoldpromise exactly... cross server tycoon coming and who normal would upgrade unusable hero just from whim... thats stupidity.
I agree with Anguiss, but I would rephrase... The event is not useless, but should be set proprely since you can upgrade your hero to +27... I guess it would not do much harm for devs to set those number to that event so you would be rewarded for every upgrade (since there is the posssibility to be rewarded). They dont have to even raise the number of seraphs as reward. Keep 250 seraphs as reward for +12 upgrade, for +13 upgrade etc... But the event should be there for everyone, even for high-end players.