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Team Arena cross server thoughts/complaints

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  • Team Arena cross server thoughts/complaints

    I am on S190 (Scattered Mountains), and whenever we do team arena, we get destroyed by level 50s up to level 65's (65 is the highest I've faced) and our level leader is at 40k through level 45. The difference between S190 and the servers we are matched up against is too large in my opinion. We are faced with people that have up to 90k Battle Rating angels (highest I've seen is 934xx BR) and there is only 3 people on the BR leaderboard that have a total BR of more than 80k. Point being, that people's angels have our total BR outside of the arena, and their angels are 1 hitting our highest BR people. I think it is absurd how little chance we have to gain the full rewards from winning in Team Arena, and I believe it is making it harder to obtain Angel Crystals (to level up when at 10,20,30,40,etc.) and to obtain Courage sets (for the non-cashers, and making it more costly for cashers) When this could fairly easily be fixed (in my opinion). I doubt this will change anything with it, but perhaps there is a way to decrease the BR separation, and level separation we are faced with in our cross server events?

  • #2
    People are abusing the game. Basically exploiting the game so they win. it's not against the rules but still exploiting the game. They do this by teaming up with very low lvl alts or other people. So they can be matched up with lower lvls and have 100% win rate. It's dumb system. It needs to get fixed as it makes it extremely unfair. Far worse than Wartune Match ups.


    • #3
      play it as it come.. u still get the prize


      • #4
        k4j, what Ether said is basically true--for losing, you still get half rewards. Also, keep in mind that as newer servers open, you'll start to encounter more players in your former position, while you and your server have gotten stronger.

        On another note, using Dragon Crests for Holy Crystals and Courage sets may not be optimal usage--I prefer to save them for Cherubstones, but that's certainly your choice.

        You may want to consider Roblox's 'suggestion,' and be more picky about team selection. If you and your team members are all of similar strength, you are likely to face an opposing party of two stronger players and one weaker player--and their Angels will wreck you, more often than not. If I'm careless enough to join two characters of similar strength, our team usually goes 1-9 or 2-8 against repeated teams of two players with maxed-out Nyssa and Amoras, plus a lvl 40.

        Good luck!
        Last edited by DSMIVTR; 06-22-2014, 08:49 PM.


        • #5
          lol people forgot the total level rules...120-150-180...meaning if you team has a total level for instance a level of 60+60+60=180 then you will be faced with a team equal or more than that regardless of BR...abusing the game??? i dont think so....people who joins a lower level or alt are the people who prefer this kind of strategy and it is not against the rules because the rules there is total level not total BR so its not a dumb system...and whining coz you lost the match...nah think of a better strategy...this game is made to hone your strategy thinking not your WHINING and so on....


          • #6
            I understand the matching system, and I do spend my crests on cherubs, however, I know of many people that use crests for courage sets. Nevertheless, I am not complaining about losing, I'm complaining about the bracketing system of how the game sets you up with a group of other servers. In my servers' case, and I'm sure in other servers alike, we have been placed into a bracket higher than us, and the bracket we have been placed in, consists of servers nearing a month, perhaps a little older than a month, and we're still on the first week. I understand that the bracketing system is there to increase the amount of matches a server gets during TA, so you're not left with a couple leftover attempts. I'm just asking if there is a way to.... refine the bracketing system. When I say refine, I mean hone it down, make it a more rounded off adjustment. I don't mind fighting the level 50s, and even if two servers are doing TA, there's going to be upwards of 25 team arena rooms created during each of the times you can do Team Arena. (Taking our amount of rooms and doubling it, not sure the real number, just an estimate), and I believe with that many teams playing at time, everyone will be able to get done their attempts, and it won't be level 40s vs. level 60s. I'm not saying "cancel the bracketing and cross server", I'm saying that we could possible make it more fair and I'm pretty sure that all the other players faced with this "problem" would agree with me.

