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A few Suggestions

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  • A few Suggestions

    Hello R2 Developers/Mods

    I play on S25 - Youth's Harvest or UA8 after merge. As of the last one month I have been noticing a lot of issues in the game. I know you have to read a lot of this but please bear with me and read through this also. Most of the issues are stemming from the fact that there is nearly nothing available for free players, low cashers or mid cashers immediately. To a certain point that is a correct assumption. To wait 6 months is almost excruciating as the top players decimate you. I am a low casher so at least I can beat a few players and feel better but most of the low ones just lose. A few suggestions which would I think appeal to all players including your high end cash players.

    1) Angels
    - You increased the levels for Mikaela, Alecta and Victorina. All 3 angels are only available to the top players. If possible increase the level for Nyssa and Boa as those are the angels which every player of this game above level 60 has. It would let a lot of us finally use our angel tears. (I have more than 2k of them)
    - People are saying Aoeda is for everybody. Unfortunately not really true. 55K points in tycoon is very difficult unless you are a mid casher. Even a low casher hoarder like me would find it difficult as all things should align for me to get it. The very few hoarders who are saying its possible please don't tell incorrect things. You need to have hoarded around a month or 2 months worth of items to come remotely close.
    - If possible we would love to have a new angel available to all players. This would help accelerate people thinking on how to build their team rather than everyone having nearly similar builds.

    2)World Boss
    - My server is a merged one and we finish all 3 bosses in like 8-10 minutes max on a bad day. Maybe you could increase the HP of the WB's by some percentage to make the event last longer. I am sure everyone would appreciate it. If a server has less players apologies for this but we really need more HP on World Boss

    - Since Jackpot has started not once have I see a winner on my server as to even get ranked you need to spend atleast 300-600 diamonds for it. With all the other events you have a chance to be ranked with what you have but this is the only daily item in which only diamonds allows you access.

    4)Cross - Server
    - I am begging you please fix the way the teams are made. There are times where the final result is 1000 - 60. Its just not right! I don't care what people say. The CS has to be made right because otherwise it becomes boring. I am not a programmer so I don't know how this works but please make some algorithm where the teams are matched on total BR atleast!

    5) Hero Upgrade
    - Is there any chance you could add 2 more layers say till upgrade 13 or something. Might probably help a lot of the older servers!

    There are a lot more suggestion but I feel if these are done it will arrest the loss of low cashers, free players and the few top cashers who have become bored. (Yes quite a few of your top cashers have quit because they have become bored as no one can challenge them.

    I know there will be a few people who will say deal with it and all but its really irritating as my server is losing players to the fact that now no one wants to even cash a bit because the top guy has cashed way too much. I hope if you implement any of these the low cashers and free players will at the least feel better about their chances.

    Thank you for taking the time to read! I really appreciate it and hope that you will implement a few of the suggestions.

    Warm Regards,
    S25 - Youth's Harvest
    IGN : Vinit, 751k BR
    Last edited by vinit2011; 06-23-2014, 04:12 PM.

  • #2
    Angels yes and yes at least raising boad and nyssa gives us a fighting chance. WB what Vinit forgot to say is on a "good day" each person maybe gets two hits per boss and in 5 minutes its over I now find it is easier to just do retrieval with WB than actually do it money is about the same. CS used to be my happy place i would run it over 10 times a day however your "improvements" ruined alot of it for me. The shield is ridiculous and hampers a team more than hurts it and you make a transport mode and plop it in a venue that is already so full of glitches during TC (at least a couple happen every TC , flying off the screen ,unable to collect a flag ect). And tell me how is having a team with 2 1 mill br and 3 900k br players going up against a team with me as the highest at 700k+ br a fair fight? If you say the issue is players dropping out and the game filling them in for one game I can buy that but I have ran 5 games in a row all of them BR is way out balanced so that is no longer a valid excuse in my book. And hero upgrade all my heroes are over +12 upgrade so i cant even participate in that event so yes it would be nice to have say a reward for upgrades over +11. And I agree about the losing merged us (s18) with S28 to make a stronger server and for awhile it did but now the trickle of players leaving has turned it a river due to frustration with this game. I realize you provide a free web game so have to make money somehow but you need to balance it more out with the non,light and mid cashers... we put our time into the game as well as some money frustrate us enough we will leave and you lose out on some of your revenue. Not a very good business plan in the long run really.
    Last edited by Chandri; 06-23-2014, 07:14 AM.
    Assyrians S18/UA8


    • #3
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