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Nyssie upgrade grrrr lol

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Tukemuth View Post
    I'm beyond the point where I can feel relief after finally getting her to evolve. I'd gladly promise not to ever attempt to evolve her, if only she would spit my seraph stones back. Incidentally, several days ago I noticed that my Nyssa's stats would occasionally get reduced in battle...

    I want to quit. But it's not easy when I've already invested so much time to develop... on the other hand, I'm simply not enjoying in the game any more. Gosh!
    The mages have a dragonskill that allows them to reduce angel stats by 50%. Its not a bug, its a legit skill. Its quite useful sometimes.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Tukemuth View Post
      I don't have a problem with failing, I used to be below 20 in CoM, now I'm in top 3, I could drop below 20 again, it's all part of the game. But when I do everything right and the game tells me "Ok, you did everything well, but mmmm no, you can't develop any more. Other people can, but you can't. Just because. Now, let's also reduce your angels stats..."
      Am I the only crazy person who finds this discouraging???

      If everyone was to evolve their angel at a certain point, then there is no point in the fun of randomness. Basically the game will just say "Collect 5K seraph stones to advance to next level". And if everyone is the same, then there is no point for this game to exist. Some people can evolve it at 50%, or at 90%, but its all based on a variable the game gives you. It is quite fair, actually.....

      Suck it up princess, its just a game. And I agree with andreicde.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Istanda View Post
        If everyone was to evolve their angel at a certain point, then there is no point in the fun of randomness. Basically the game will just say "Collect 5K seraph stones to advance to next level". And if everyone is the same, then there is no point for this game to exist. Some people can evolve it at 50%, or at 90%, but its all based on a variable the game gives you. It is quite fair, actually.....

        Suck it up princess, its just a game. And I agree with andreicde.
        yeah. it's fun when you get low upgrades sometimes,but when your evolve goes high almost every time and you see constantly others telling how low amount they got it stops to be fun. it's neither spend 5x more than others for game or start losing often/quit.
        League of angels Rain s114
        Wartune Froza s374

        Nova genesis s43 siria
        sense of sanity comes from insanity.
        chill,relax,sit back and eat cookie or if drama just swap for popcorn and laugh


        • #19
          Originally posted by Carchadion View Post
          yeah. it's fun when you get low upgrades sometimes,but when your evolve goes high almost every time and you see constantly others telling how low amount they got it stops to be fun. it's neither spend 5x more than others for game or start losing often/quit.
          except it always balances out. Those some people might take forever to upgrade their recruits/mounts or their elemental training, so in 1 field you might have a difficulty, but in another you are more lucky than the others


          • #20
            dear andreicde, If its really a problem for you to answer me, please let me know where can i found the answer on my question.


            • #21

              The short version to your question is that we don't know. Iirc, 10,000 evolution means that your ball is almost full, but still has a sliver of white. At where you are, your Nyssa could evolve with your next Seraph stone...or it may take another 50. There is no upper limit that we know of.

              As for why andrei keeps telling you to look it up yourself, trying searching the forum using the keywords angel and evolve. There are at least ten threads this month alone complaining about their bad luck with angel evolution...though I can't seem to find a screenshot of someone as badly off as you going for 8 stars.

              Hope your Nyssa evolves soon.

