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Glacial Wolf Extention

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  • Archie75
    Originally posted by EdgeLOA View Post
    I'm not sure if it will be extended or not but i must point out it was very easy to get 10 shards daily and with 20 days of event 200 was quite possible so if you missed 10 shards sadly you didn't put in the effort like others to get this free mount.

    10 a day..where u get that??
    if u a new archer class and dont pay for diamonds u can only get a cpl of shards a day as most the stuff.. eg erebus..inferno are all outta reach untill u reach higher lvls and by that time the event is half over

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  • R22117824
    Thanks Guys For Your Support Im Agree With All Your Suggestion...Yes We Must Be Fair To Do This Glacial Wolf Extension If Our GM, Admin Or Moderators Will Help It Would Be A Bless To All Of Us

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  • R257492905
    Quote from Post:" I'm not sure if it will be extended or not but i must point out it was very easy to get 10 shards daily and with 20 days of event 200 was quite possible so if you missed 10 shards sadly you didn't put in the effort like others to get this free mount."

    This is kind of you want people to play your game? all they ask is a one day extention. You can extend for one day. Be reasonable!

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  • osobena
    Originally posted by R247564953 View Post
    gratz to all who could manage to glacial wolf _ BUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    what about the new archer class that was released so recently ?
    Archers would not be able to enjoy the benefit of this great offer since like its stated above you need to be level 60 for dragon taming event
    thus putting the new archer class at a disadvantage - so i wonder is it really fair to the new archer class , everyone else can run around with glacial wolf
    while they ( archers) what to be happy with starter mount or else have to spend diamond to get a different mount ?
    Agree on that. I have an archer character and I am still lvl 53. Not to mention we actually (re)started the game a few days later so now my archer have 119 shards....

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  • R247564953
    gratz to all who could manage to glacial wolf _ BUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    what about the new archer class that was released so recently ?
    Archers would not be able to enjoy the benefit of this great offer since like its stated above you need to be level 60 for dragon taming event
    thus putting the new archer class at a disadvantage - so i wonder is it really fair to the new archer class , everyone else can run around with glacial wolf
    while they ( archers) what to be happy with starter mount or else have to spend diamond to get a different mount ?

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  • pkmonster
    Originally posted by EdgeLOA View Post
    I'm not sure if it will be extended or not but i must point out it was very easy to get 10 shards daily and with 20 days of event 200 was quite possible so if you missed 10 shards sadly you didn't put in the effort like others to get this free mount.
    yes that is true but not all players will have access to that 10 shards a day, i mean you have to be level 60 to get all 10 shards if you are a free player because of dragon taming. although an extension would be really nice (since i missed 2 days=20 shards) i would rather suggest it to be included in the voucher shop just like the natural wings shards, and let players to work hard for it again.

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  • BlackVerZ
    daily recharge :P using offers

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  • R22117824
    OMG I Missed One Day..Well Thank You For That Sir More Power To LOA

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  • EdgeLOA
    I'm not sure if it will be extended or not but i must point out it was very easy to get 10 shards daily and with 20 days of event 200 was quite possible so if you missed 10 shards sadly you didn't put in the effort like others to get this free mount.

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