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Shop update

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  • Shop update

    Can we please get the shop updated once in a while? For those of us who do spend a little bit of real $$ in game we want it worth our while not lvl 20 gear. The better the choices the more likely we will spend our $$ again and again.

    A few suggestions would be:

    1). A chest where we can receive 1 item out of 3-5 it has to offer. For instance, A chest may contain 1000 runestones, 1000 refining stones, a lvl 5 or 6 or 7 holy crystal and we randomly receive one of those plus its 99-150 diamonds to get.

    2). Clothing. Currently the shop only offers 2 types of wings, angel of death outfit and wedding garb...Which are kinda a crazy price. 1888 diamonds just for the demon wings, that's about $20.

    3). A rebate system for $$ spenders. This is what really gets $$ spenders coming back for more. Say I spend $20 which is 2000 diamonds and I get 25% or even 50% back. That's 2500 (25%) or 3000 (50%) for $20. It's a win-win!

    I have seen these things work in many other games and I would like to see something like this in the League of Angels shop. Like I said before I don't want to waste my money on lvl 20 gear when I can forge it in the game at no real $$ cost and little effort in game to obtain. Let's keep the game interesting with some updated merchandise!



  • #2
    I know I can't be the only one thinking this. Please support me and I shall return the favor.




    • #3
      Yes its a good idea, but why would they need too when they can create mega cash events to get money from anyway. But i know what you mean and would be a good idea.


      • #4
        I suppose you're right in that matter though there are tons of ways they can make money. One of my main points/reasons is to not bore the players. After a while the game get really repetitive. Second, each player looks the same with the exception of those who do have wings and/or outfits. Third, I really want an outfit! xD




        • #5
          I agree with this idea. It'd be awesome if they added more, and updated the cash shop. Vanity items, lockboxes...They could make more money from smaller cashers using this. There's just so much that could be done with it.
          S146 Galvine


          • #6
            Originally posted by fireangelm64 View Post
            Can we please get the shop updated once in a while? For those of us who do spend a little bit of real $$ in game we want it worth our while not lvl 20 gear. The better the choices the more likely we will spend our $$ again and again.

            A few suggestions would be:

            1). A chest where we can receive 1 item out of 3-5 it has to offer. For instance, A chest may contain 1000 runestones, 1000 refining stones, a lvl 5 or 6 or 7 holy crystal and we randomly receive one of those plus its 99-150 diamonds to get.

            2). Clothing. Currently the shop only offers 2 types of wings, angel of death outfit and wedding garb...Which are kinda a crazy price. 1888 diamonds just for the demon wings, that's about $20.

            3). A rebate system for $$ spenders. This is what really gets $$ spenders coming back for more. Say I spend $20 which is 2000 diamonds and I get 25% or even 50% back. That's 2500 (25%) or 3000 (50%) for $20. It's a win-win!

            I have seen these things work in many other games and I would like to see something like this in the League of Angels shop. Like I said before I don't want to waste my money on lvl 20 gear when I can forge it in the game at no real $$ cost and little effort in game to obtain. Let's keep the game interesting with some updated merchandise!
            (Nota bene: I'm referencing GTArcade instead of R2 in this post because GTArcade is the main distributor, and R2 is simply one of many hosts. I do not believe that R2Games has any significant power to modify game content under their hosting contract. GTArcade may operate under some limitations from Youzu, but the western version of LOA has significant differences from the versions that Youzu [mainland China] and ICAN [Taiwan] distribute.)

            For #1, the Chinese servers have this--mostly for shards. This is why there were shard count snafus with Glacial Wolf, Pride King, and I forget what else recently--the Chinese servers require fewer shards to synth each soul/garb/wings, but make it much less likely of getting a shard per attempt.

            I assume that the change to limited-time-only events for obtaining special souls/garb/wings/whatever was a conscious one by GTArcade. If you always have an opportunity to get an item, it may not be a high priority for you, no matter how shiny it is. Tack on a 'Limited Time Only!' and people become more likely to spend. From the company's perspective, good because they make more money; from our prospective, not so much. Therefore, they're unlikely to implement #1.

            #2 would be nice, and I don't know why GTArcade doesn't try it. Perhaps they make far too much money off hot events that sell the items a shard at a time.

            #3 is only in effect, but not on a regular basis--the Silver/Gold/Glassworks a while back? Again, I believe that GTArcade views scarcity as a means to drive spending.

            In summary, I think your suggestions are good for most of us who haven't spent oodles (or gotten lucky at drawings). However, GTArcade may rightly view your suggestions as leading to lower revenues in the long run...


            • #7
              Originally posted by DSMIVTR View Post
              (Nota bene: I'm referencing GTArcade instead of R2 in this post because GTArcade is the main distributor, and R2 is simply one of many hosts. I do not believe that R2Games has any significant power to modify game content under their hosting contract. GTArcade may operate under some limitations from Youzu, but the western version of LOA has significant differences from the versions that Youzu [mainland China] and ICAN [Taiwan] distribute.)

              For #1, the Chinese servers have this--mostly for shards. This is why there were shard count snafus with Glacial Wolf, Pride King, and I forget what else recently--the Chinese servers require fewer shards to synth each soul/garb/wings, but make it much less likely of getting a shard per attempt.

              I assume that the change to limited-time-only events for obtaining special souls/garb/wings/whatever was a conscious one by GTArcade. If you always have an opportunity to get an item, it may not be a high priority for you, no matter how shiny it is. Tack on a 'Limited Time Only!' and people become more likely to spend. From the company's perspective, good because they make more money; from our prospective, not so much. Therefore, they're unlikely to implement #1.

              #2 would be nice, and I don't know why GTArcade doesn't try it. Perhaps they make far too much money off hot events that sell the items a shard at a time.

              #3 is only in effect, but not on a regular basis--the Silver/Gold/Glassworks a while back? Again, I believe that GTArcade views scarcity as a means to drive spending.

              In summary, I think your suggestions are good for most of us who haven't spent oodles (or gotten lucky at drawings). However, GTArcade may rightly view your suggestions as leading to lower revenues in the long run...
              After doing a little bit of research I found out that GTArcade is the owner of the game and had no idea R2 was subletting the game. I literally just found out before reading your post. It kinds does suck for us, huh...But your post is helpful, thanks!




              • #8

                Only updates allowed are for Cash stuff!

