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Let's boycott gtarcade/r2games way of taking free content and making pay to get

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  • Let's boycott gtarcade/r2games way of taking free content and making pay to get

    So I can confirm now that they are trying indeed to put the Dark Legionnaire on Hoc. This hero in the cn ver is given on Starry Tavern for 1500 rubies (no icon) and those greedy devs scrapped that and decided make it a pay to get recruit. The info is here . I propose a boycott on all the diamonds purchases (except vip) in order to make them understand that we don't accept those kind of deals. If we do nothing, they will keep taking free stuff and make it pay to get. Who is with me?

    edit: I will put more facts about different things we don't have here but that chinese players have

    Lvl 10 cherubs give 400% bonus compared to our 250%. F2p players have easier access to cherubs, blessed stones,seraph stones,etc

    Some costumes are given for free for doing gathering events which are usually pretty easy. For instance dragonblood was a free costume changed into pay to get

    Diamonds price is 3 times lower than here but the rewards for recharging are greater

    The content overall has the same difficulty as the cn ver (gauntlet wolves anyone?) but ironically we are in theory nerfed heavily(nerfed cherubs, less resources given, etc) .
    Last edited by EdgeLOA; 07-05-2014, 01:41 AM.

  • #2
    I'm with you... I'm рissed off that the game ends till 71 level for free players.
    Lord 'de la juNk'


    • #3
      Typical. They are raising the requirements to get just about anything in the game. And yet WB still has the same amount of HP.


      • #4
        yup we gettin bent over =D but i love angel cup the CN server stats are over boosted =D.. all of them are fix rated


        • #5
          these devs observed in few tycoons that even if they offer somethin that doesnt work and people still pay 1000 bucks fer it, why not charge fer free stuff as well
          League of Angels

          S94 Lonewind Forest
          Magus Rynd


          • #6
            this is US server what will you expect? they bought this game from chinese server, in order to make profit they need to do what ever circumstances they have to do. as long as there are players who cashing out they will just continue what they need to do.


            • #7
              Originally posted by mugiwarang View Post
              this is US server what will you expect? they bought this game from chinese server, in order to make profit they need to do what ever circumstances they have to do. as long as there are players who cashing out they will just continue what they need to do.
              right, so if the content is not same, whats the point of having global tournament? hell with angels' world cup
              League of Angels

              S94 Lonewind Forest
              Magus Rynd


              • #8
                I would love this to happen but we all know the ppl that cash heavy dont give a flying ant . So .... since they seam to be blind since everything they release is bugd and pay to try and get it ... its kinda lame .
                [Guild] [Genius]Maraminx : half of the people went the wrong way
                [Guild] [Genius]Maraminx : we merged with idiots


                • #9
                  my only complain in r2games and gta is... they dont have care about our sentiments. gm's, mods, devs are deaf and blind haha!


                  • #10
                    as long as many people cash in, this will keep happening. so suck it up.
                    your friendly neighborhood Battousai

                    habang ikay tulog akoy gising nakabantay sayo..


                    • #11
                      While i agree with idea, it wont change nothing tbh. I myself dont wish to cash on game that offers me more bugs then quality.
                      First i saw i had thought " yay another sink to throw money at" but after playing few days, bugs after bugs after bugs Lucky for me, that devs at GTarcade are incompetent. Saves me whole lot of money ^^


                      • #12
                        just like PB they will ban you for 2 days too for making this


                        • #13
                          Nothing to worry soon like all other that got greedy, the game will die. It is already dying, sadly pay 2 win has a limit and that is greed. Already on my server something like 40 or so people stopped because its getting way way too money centered. Anyways you can do what u want, the game is already Soon even more people will stop playing.

                          Greed my friends. If they were not ignorant fools they would see over the long term. but their nearsightedness makes them that can only see as far as their pockets. Business yes ofc, be smart about it. Do not worry those who spend a lot too will find it a waste soon "why?". Simple there will be no more players to play and they will have to pack all the awesome very skilled and intelligent cashers on one server and there will be only a challenge about who has the most money, until even more stop paying to win because the dudes who have more money will inevitably win, causing even more people stop playing.

                          SO YEAH GT AND R2 or any other who think that money is the center of it all, gogogogo ruin it more and see for yourself. . i'm talking out of experience,
                          Last edited by EdgeLOA; 07-05-2014, 01:46 AM.


                          • #14
                            13 replays in like 24h out of lets say 2000 people still playing(assuming there`s just 10-12/server but there are way more) . almost 0.7% of people . go you


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by lezickh View Post
                              just like PB they will ban you for 2 days too for making this

                              I don't see nothing sexy here
                              Low lvl Mystic at S77

