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S 72 Thunder Plateau - Need Merge

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  • S 72 Thunder Plateau - Need Merge

    This is my first post, and I would not be writing if was not a real problem on the server S72 Thunder Plateau. Server it's facing a pronounced depopulation in last 2 months. We lost many active players and right now we have not more then 15-16 active players on entire server. On main evennts, like World Boss, we have less then 10 players, and Twilight Clash it is like 2-3 ppl in finals.

    We ask to evaluate the possibility of merging with another server, and I am convinced there are many situations like the one above.

    Thank you, and we wait the Game Masters Team to answer as soon as possible.


  • #2
    yeah, more and more servers are in need of a merge, unfortunately , it seems that r2games is not considering this at the moment !!!
    Server : S41 Wyrm's Gorge
    IGN : 13th
    Class : Paladin


    • #3
      pkmonster, actually R2games is considering several merges so please do not post things suggesting things you have no knowledge of. I'm moving this to suggestions.
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