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so youve cashed alot...

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  • so youve cashed alot...

    ima kick your hehehe

    just sharing no offese hahaha

    his lucky im not using aquarius zodiac that time he attacked
    Last edited by EdgeLOA; 07-12-2014, 02:35 AM.

  • #2
    i think link is broken -_-....
    i just killed a player with all hero is cashed...
    so i think its useless to post


    • #3
      mod delete the thread its useless hahaha


      • #4
        come and fight a real cashier =D no a bot =)


        • #5
          Originally posted by R2352025 View Post
          come and fight a real cashier =D no a bot =)
          its not a bot =) its at cross server tournament.... XD


          • #6
            Originally posted by R2770413 View Post
            its not a bot =) its at cross server tournament.... XD
            lol cs tourny 80% bots


            • #7
              Originally posted by R2352025 View Post
              lol cs tourny 80% bots


              • #8
                well grow a brain =D any1 who has money need to have a brain.. that go without saying or they be poor as hell.. common sense there, if the kid is using there parent CC he too would have half a brain after gettin his handed to him or his parent would say something about it, duh! half the player who play.. sometime forget the most important thing.. to cash is to be well off, and to be well off is to have a decent INT..
                any1 could play these type of game without thinking at all, it not so hard
                Last edited by EdgeLOA; 07-12-2014, 02:36 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by R2352025 View Post
                  well grow a brain =D any1 who has money need to have a brain.. that go without saying or they be poor as hell.. common sense there, if the kid is using there parent CC he too would have half a brain after gettin his *** handed to him or his parent would say something about it, duh! half the player who play.. sometime forget the most important thing.. to cash is to be well off, and to be well off is to have a decent INT..
                  any1 could play these type of game without thinking at all, it not so hard
                  so you dont got brain?
                  i saw at ebay you can buy one there....


                  • #10
                    Good job ! R2770413
                    It's important to make people happy, but you got to start by yourself


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by R2352025 View Post
                      well grow a brain =D any1 who has money need to have a brain.. that go without saying or they be poor as hell.. common sense there, if the kid is using there parent CC he too would have half a brain after gettin his *** handed to him or his parent would say something about it, duh! half the player who play.. sometime forget the most important thing.. to cash is to be well off, and to be well off is to have a decent INT..
                      any1 could play these type of game without thinking at all, it not so hard
                      So we come back to the same old hype thats been used for years on the internet try and come out with something new. And im sure in this day and age parents would not let their child use their credit card on a game like this... why well lets see casher events everyday = more money + charges on a credit card for conversion rates between currencies (if applicable), over spending on card due to said events etc etc. Now most of these cashers work, i.e earn a living, or get money via other means. What they spend their money on is upto them even if they know they are being milked like a cow.

                      Unfortunately growing a brain for urself u might need some fertilizer just to increase ur growth rate of intelligence.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TheJudge1 View Post
                        Good job ! R2770413
                        thanks ive always seen this r2352025 comment all over the forum, and his/her comment is always somewhat hahaha...
                        Last edited by EdgeLOA; 07-12-2014, 07:33 AM.


                        • #13
                          nah it just seem u guys are gettin dumber each day not knowning who a real player and who not, LOL but then i guess it becuz u just play online rather then social so u wouldnt no the different between a bot and a player.. oh yes every1 is free to do what they want with the cash they earn.. but like wise any person who no how to get money has something remotly to a brain... but then there player like the aboves who takes the game too seriously, lol and like to show off useless **** it trying to hard =D


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by R2352025 View Post
                            lol cs tourny 80% bots

                            u are bot sir Ether
                            Low lvl Mystic at S77


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by R2770413 View Post
                              thanks ive always seen this r2352025 comment all over the forum, and his/her comment is always somewhat hahaha...

                              you are super and don't know who is him. I hope u can last one round against him.
                              Last edited by EdgeLOA; 07-12-2014, 07:34 AM.
                              Low lvl Mystic at S77

