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Pros and Cons of Angel Cup

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  • Pros and Cons of Angel Cup

    My experience with Angel Cup was neither yay or nay.... largely unbalanced as each publisher of the game has a different "slice" of the pie. I think R2 has a good slice compared to facebook, or Kong players, but at any rate, we here at R2 definitely had no advantages.

    1. We did get to see the "holy cow" of resources necessary to max heroes, mounts, angels, and mains.
    2. We did have an "ACTIVE" server for the first few days of Angel Cup (that was particularly nice, and obviously missed by all).
    3. We did get to experience how ALL heroes when maxed out are of particular value, whether free or seriously cashed for.

    1. We all got to see what a race to money pit the game has become. (sad but true, what you pay hundreds for today, I will get tomorrow for way less).
    2. We all got to experience the stark differences between GTArcade, R2games, Facebook, et.... and the Chinese servers (WOW, the difference was HUGE).
    3. We all got to suffer the humiliation of being promised a "fair" competition, and then denial of said "fair" competition.
    4. We all got to feel the agony of defeat with nothing we could do about it (the Chinese servers definitely had the advantage), AND? apparently NO reward for even participating in the boost of "ego"


    I wouldn't ever willingly do it again.
    Epic Fail
    it's all failing faster than I can lower my standards

  • #2
    eh i think you guys got it all backwards , we already lost the match before it stated - NO GAME NO LIFE!!!!

    firstly thoses who made it to 600 was nothing but a marketing scam... making u see the full extend of totem lord and making u spend $$$ to get him in the next hoc =D funny thing it work on a 80% rate
    then they invited the next 600 visitor to test it out too so they could get it too and see the pot in it =)

    out of the 600 players only 150 of them were players =) that goes without saying.. the next 600 visitor were real players, LOL

    now alot got totem lord even myself... and alot built it based on how they saw the power in angel cup.. but what they saw in angel cup dosent work on live server =D

    bottom line PLAY at your OWN pace how u like it take it too serious and it all over


    • #3
      if by "totem lord" you mean earth shaker, I couldn't agree more... and have come across quite a few who acquired him, like hectate, all heroes die.

      sorry you "bought" into the "marketing scam". LOLZ, I don't have him or hectate, nor will I spend to get either.

      EVERYTHING the cashers who "bought" into the "marketing scam" and had to have, we will ALL have for much less at a later date.... or do I have that backwards

      if you have earth shaker from this last hoc, you paid for him.... Welcome to the "80%" LOL
      it's all failing faster than I can lower my standards


      • #4
        now u got it right


        • #5
          dunno if the cup was organized by chinese prolly it did and hence that yeah ofc chinese players get an advantage cause oh well it is their game afterall . gtarcade just imports the game and makes mostly events mods in terms of price and shizzle i don`t think they ever get involved in the game mechanics and stuff . as for R2 they aint doing even that they simply sell a merchandise imported from someone else . at least this is how i see things...might be wrong

