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angel cup reward

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  • angel cup reward

    when are we going to get reward for that event...where are the cloth a gm promised to all 600 player i spend lot of them here in that cup me team reach 2 round of the cup and with the unfaire adventage of the chiness server.......we need reward pls respond me some 1!!!!!
    ganicus s4 lunaria grace guild HelloKitty

  • #2
    Who promised it?? Only the rewards for rank 1 was revealed so far.
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    • #3
      far i know only thoses who made it to knockout stage will get an odin blade... but how epicly it is no US/EU team made it that far... or dont expect anything and if we do it's just bouns


      • #4
        All the best teams from the whole world have joined the 1st Angel World Cup and 10 bravest warriors from our world servers have made it into the final round! Congratulations!

        GM Nicky decided to give all the 600 heroes who has participated in the Angel World Cup special gifts! May Angels bless our two teams!
        Last edited by EdgeLOA; 07-13-2014, 08:10 AM.
        ganicus s4 lunaria grace guild HelloKitty


        • #5
          the gm nicky promised that so ...when we got it?
          ganicus s4 lunaria grace guild HelloKitty


          • #6

            all those peep work realy hard in that event and we got unfair fight augain chiness server
            so like the post said: all 600 will be gifted a special gift. so please do it!
            ganicus s4 lunaria grace guild HelloKitty


            • #7

              sorry other link broke that 1 work
              ganicus s4 lunaria grace guild HelloKitty


              • #8
                Originally posted by EdgeLOA View Post
                Who promised it?? Only the rewards for rank 1 was revealed so far.
                Really? So we spent days and days upgrading everything to serve as guinea pigs for chinese teams, and all that for nothing? grats you know how to satisfy your players...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by gannicuss4 View Post
                  All the best teams from the whole world have joined the 1st Angel World Cup and 10 bravest warriors from our world servers have made it into the final round! Congratulations!

                  GM Nicky decided to give all the 600 heroes who has participated in the Angel World Cup special gifts! May Angels bless our two teams!
                  GM nicky is not associated with R2games, Also no where in that post do they mention top 600 will get the costume, it only says top 600 will get some special gift which as i said is not revealed yet, Only first place rewards were revealed.
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                  • #10
                    here is where it states that all 600 will be getting a prize...and the post certainly seems to indicate the costumes are it.

                    Well the mod removed my link....if anybody wants it i will post it on my fb page.
                    Last edited by Miz18; 07-13-2014, 08:43 AM.

                    IGN: MizUndrstd
                    Server: s4
                    Guild: HelloKitty


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Kaslabarak View Post
                      Really? So we spent days and days upgrading everything to serve as guinea pigs for chinese teams, and all that for nothing? grats you know how to satisfy your players...
                      I never said other don't get anything....... I said we revealed only the rewards for First place winner.
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                      • #12
                        What kind of operation holds an event and doesn't seem to know what the prizes are beforehand? Or during? Or even directly after?
                        As for the GTArcade post....I have posted there and said that it seems to be entirely fraudulent advertising and that mods here are denying it even thought it clearly states all 600 people and then shows costumes.
                        If we aren't getting what that thread indicated then I know what will happen here on's a lvl 5 cherub and a voucher.

                        Funny too...that you took my link out....don't want people knowing what they were promised that they aren't getting?

                        IGN: MizUndrstd
                        Server: s4
                        Guild: HelloKitty


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Miz18 View Post
                          What kind of operation holds an event and doesn't seem to know what the prizes are beforehand? Or during? Or even directly after?
                          As for the GTArcade post....I have posted there and said that it seems to be entirely fraudulent advertising and that mods here are denying it even thought it clearly states all 600 people and then shows costumes.
                          If we aren't getting what that thread indicated then I know what will happen here on's a lvl 5 cherub and a voucher.

                          Funny too...that you took my link out....don't want people knowing what they were promised that they aren't getting?
                          Links were removed cause you are quoting something from a different website, r2games didn't reveal anything yet... Again i nowhere mentioned r2games doesn't know about the rewards,Its just not revealed yet.
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                          • #14
                            Edge, again, what about the people who were never placed on teams from the beginning, althou it clearly stated that they would be in all of the rules posted? What about them as well??


                            • #15
                              edgeloa you need to learn that a gm regardless who they work for promised rewards for all 600 players she didnt specify r2games players or gtarcade players. so in fact her post means we get rewarded simple as this. also yes this event was set for the china servers weither or not you want to admit it. also how long till re know what little rewards we will get please.

