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  • GM's

    Don't know if I can call this a suggestion, but you've been kicking people unfairly from my server.
    There's a GM there that has been kicking everyone he doesn't like somehow.
    He even kicked another GM for saying sexual things in world chat that he's not supposed to as I was told.
    Funny part is that he does the same in guild chat since he's in my guild.
    So I suggest you control better your GM's... Some of the people kicked did nothing wrong but have fun on their own way like we all do or try to.
    My server is dying and if you continue kicking people it will prolly disappear since everyone is leaving.
    Hope you don't take this as a warning or insult or whatever, just trying to get the best to my server...
    Thank you for reading.

    [S131] Heir's Bequeathal
    Last edited by nidju; 07-15-2014, 05:23 AM.

  • #2
    I'm Also from the same guild and What Nidju is saying is true, we have to watch everything we say around this person because if you say somthing he doesn't like he does what he pleases with power... its not right, you guys at r2games need to select your GM's better cause this guy is just trying to get attention and be... almost whorshiped


    • #3
      come in s4 we have no gm there lol...think i have see him twice in 1 year xd
      ganicus s4 lunaria grace guild HelloKitty


      • #4
        You guys are damn lucky to have a GM that is around. Look at S4 their GM only shows up twice a year You all think its easy to be a GM? Its takes a special SICK person to be a GM look at what happened in S4 when they had a sane person doing GM. Ended up in MI and only gets to come out twice a year.


        • #5
          ended up in MI? You mean he was banished to Michigan?

          IGN: MizUndrstd
          Server: s4
          Guild: HelloKitty


          • #6
            Originally posted by Miz18 View Post
            ended up in MI? You mean he was banished to Michigan?
            Mental Inst. hehe


            • #7
              Lucky? Having a GM baning whoever he doesn't like?


              • #8
                whew no GM souunds much better lol.. What GM for? They're useless except helping players to adapt on first days I guess...
                Originally posted by Henry Miller
                There are only three things to be done with a woman. You can love her, suffer for her, or turn her into literature.


