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We need new angels in Arena and new heros that u dont have to get by money

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  • We need new angels in Arena and new heros that u dont have to get by money

    The game was all fun from lvls 1 to 70. Now I have to spend to get better or new angels. So Im going to be keeping the same heros and angels till Im what 85. If you keep this up this game is going to go bad like the others. Keep the game going. Right now the game is getting boring

  • #2
    They are introducing things for spenders...for example,they are not putting Angel`s quiz anymore,cuz that helped the non-spenders.I`m saying again,nothing new for non-spenders,they want only money for everything nowadays


    • #3
      i agree with u Luminess123 but they wont listen anyone.. they just want money..
      Server 182 Snakemoor Fen

      Guild - Serenity
      Name - DieForHonor
      Level - 64
      Br - 500k

      Server 61 Doomstone Forest

      Guild - Highness
      Nick - automat
      Level - 75
      Br - 963k


      • #4
        Money talks ** walks. No $ no talk.


        • #5
          take away all the non-spenders, and you have a dead game. Keep the non-spenders happy, offer them a bone, or 2 .. perhaps even 3.


          • #6
            I guess, no im sure there are more non-spenders than casher vallet fighters. If all of us non spenders( I've spent like 30$ so not too much, and never gonna do again)would quit, sadly nothing would happen because new players would come to new servers--> some of them pay--> they have money income again, we cant win in this "fight" but that is non-sense that EVERYTHING is for cashers. New angels pay to get them, heroes are the same, occasionally they put in clothes like " there you go little fella, try to get it, oh but we wont mention that to you that the chance to get it for free is 0.0005%, mwahahaha" which is cool if u get them, but when you pay, oooh yea hell yea u'll get it soon. This game is called League of Angels -as far as i know- not Leauge of "PAY to get, if not dodge" Angels but sadly it is its true name.. Not to mention that Dark Paladin is a free to get hero on cn servers, and we got BAM pay for it btch! I'm just a girl who would like to play normally and i do it as i can, saving stuff for months like the rest of you guys probably does. We dont have much future in this "game" . Ripyourvallet2game( YES THAT IS R2Games!!!) gives us such hardcore "content" we cannot find even in WoW or other games. And for last words( and maybe for my comment final) Victoriana is a "free" angel. You have to pay only for being ranked in Cross-server tournament, but its free to get , when you in , you can collect a few royal marks. And on next CST pay to ranked again, get marks and so on until you have Victoriana, isnt hard is it? ! O.o oh wait... we cant afford spending >.>........


            • #7
              they must bring some new heros and angels and cashers are also using non cashed angels like Nyssa, so it will be fair if they bring it up !!


              • #8
                The cost of this game is ridiculous and I wouldn't recommend it to any of my friends. I'd be embarrassed to admit to anyone I know that I blew $8k+ on a flash browser game and spent over $400 per hero some of which were free on the Chinese servers... Yet that is a criterion for winning this game. But while people want to win they will do stupid things like that won't they. So can you blame them for trying to milk the cows?


                • #9
                  I wish us non-cashers could even get a wiff of the bones they give the cashers Yeah the new mount is cool but we need a new stronger angel that can be bought in the arena shop I have 3k in angel tears that I cant use or sell, and we need the 6th battle slot so we can use up those damn socketing rods or either change the status on them so we can sell them. I love this game and yes I pay cash for my vip but other than that is blood sweat and tears that builds my br all I am asking is we all need a pick me up.


                  • #10
                    lol, I am not a big casher but i have spent some money on the game and I do have to laugh everytime i see some of these posts. While i do agree that they need to introduce new heros and angel that can be obtained with arena or herosouls and not through events, all this complaining about cashers getting everything is getting too much. I started this game a week into the server i was on, about 6 months ago. 2 weeks into it, I knew it was a game that would need to cash spending to be able to compete. Its always been that type of game. Yes, it is free to play but if you want the higher br faster, the better costumes, the better heros, the better angels, the better mounts, then you gotta spend. Just like every other game that is free to play. If you are someone who cant afford to pay or just doesnt want to, then you gotta play with what you can get and if you have patience then you can save up or get free diamonds and eventually get some better items free, but to want (and i have read some posts where people demand) to have the same things cashers are able to get is rather funny. The post above mine where it says "we need the 6th battle slot so we can use up those socketing rods", compete in your solo cross server tourney or team tourney and save up the warriors marks and eventually you can get those new gears that have 6 sockets, one of the easier things to save up for since both those tourney appear once a month it seems. Pay attention to events and look at rewards for tycoon, like the last cross server one. I didnt buy any diamonds, but with doing daily events and using vouchers and doing a few free diamond offers, I was able to make rankings to get angel, which all you needed was required points. World cup wager rewards, was suprised to see that so many were able to get rewards just for making ranking points, wasnt expecting that. House of cards, save up vouchers and use when hot events rewards are there and to get on rankings without spending diamonds. I have about 400 vouchers saved up atm, cause I dont plan to spend anymore on this game. All the shards you get from any of the wheels that you can get with free spins, save up. Dont trade in and eventually you will have free angel or outfit or wings. Rose event, that is rewarding different items for first place each time it seems is a really good one if you can pull together as a guild. We have been picking one person and asking everyone in guild to send roses to them for them to get the prize. Each time rose event comes around, we pick someone else. Works a lot better this way unless you have some that are very selfish and want everything for themselves. Yes many of the events are directed towards the cashers who will spend to get the items faster, but they dont completely exclude free players. You just have to realize that unless you pay, you will not get things when you snap your fingers. You gotta work and save for them. If you dont want to do that, then you should find a game that doesnt have a cash shop, which i cant think of any except the pay to play games that everyone pays to download the game but once inside there is no cash shop, though sometimes an auction house.
                    Last edited by gemmi; 07-20-2014, 03:59 PM.

