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Gift Option

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  • Gift Option

    Hello GMs,

    Please try to fix the gift option, maybe it can work with married people or try to figure a way out .. its really sad to that we cant use that option :/

  • #2
    Originally posted by R244375573
    It is brought up every couple of days.

    No gifts. No trade. Ever.

    It is bad enough that by cashing a player starting today will mop the floor with my recharge once and VIP only 4 month old character character in a month. What will make it worse will be gifting.

    The rose event is a great example. The 2 top guilds pick a person to win and everyone who wants to remain in the guild gifts roses to that person. 2 people had rankings over 10K within hours on my server. Our 2 biggest cashers each gift 999's 3 to 5 times per day.

    I maxed my angels last week. What if I gifted the 974 tears I own to someone in the next regaining? Or my 1463 socketing rods to a newbie? My 26 extra Imperial stallion shards? The synth materials I don't need from loops? Where does it end?

    Plus, that's not including how quickly a person can pick up a massive advantage by overusing alts.


    • #3
      Yeah, but some people take it to extremes.

      Remember the 20 million gold compensation event a few weeks back? I heard someone made something like fifty alts, and leveled them all up to get the compensation--it was lvl 20, so not too time consuming. Fully upgraded level 20-something guild at the end, I think.


      • #4
        well to be honest they must fix it and maybe add little diamonds to gift things to ur dear ones, so that it will make people not to make alts and trade items to alts..


        • #5
          I would pay a few diamonds to be able to gift.
          Shiny stuff makes me happy!!

          S195 Fox's Inn
          Level 85+


          • #6
            GIFTING will destroy the game. Thread close
            your friendly neighborhood Battousai

            habang ikay tulog akoy gising nakabantay sayo..


            • #7
              gifting itself don't destroy game, abusers destroy it.


              • #8
                why u think that gifting is destroy ? me and my hunny are married in real and we play this game and sometimes we miss the events which pop up and we cant have the same pair of mount of fashion.. I strongly recommend that GM's must allow gift option with a usage of few diamonds and they must be married, so that they can ensure that the alt users are not many !!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by R244375573
                  Many marry their Alt's for the extra little bonus......

                  No matter what the game is there will always be people who look for advantages, and cheats
                  Simple answer to that is one account per server per user. Boom issue resolved.
                  LoA - Tordeck - [S164] Frost Fortress - ArchAngels


                  • #10
                    Honestly - I wish we could trade items at least. Not necessarily gift, but at least trade. Or trade stuff from inventory. I have two pairs of wings that are seriously just taking up space now and would love to send them to someone that could use them.

                    No matter what is introduced, you'll always have those that ruin it.

                    I just wish they would fix all the bugs and issues before they introduce new events/items/*** ever.


                    • #11
                      Or you don't even have to trade something.

                      For example, in LotRo (Lord of the Rings Online), you can trade with another player. They can give you stuff, but you don't have to necessarily give them something back.

                      It should be up to the players what they want to trade, or send to another player. Personally, I think anything should be tradeable, that way at least, if you have extra items you don't need, they can go to a friend that DOES need them. Or keep it to guildies only? I'm just throwing ideas out there.
                      Last edited by armyangel88; 07-20-2014, 07:37 PM.


                      • #12
                        to clear it up about making alts -> if you have more than one account on a social networking website, you may not access the services from more than a single account.<- Terms of Service from Gta ^^


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Camoswush View Post
                          to clear it up about making alts -> if you have more than one account on a social networking website, you may not access the services from more than a single account.<- Terms of Service from Gta ^^
                          but we are in R2 not


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by R244375573
                            ^ get off it. Alts are allowed.

                            Trade, SURE that 5th CASH hero I don't need I will just give to someone...
                            Being sarcastic here? >.< It was a thought. Personally I have a lot of **** that I don't need or want but know of others that would kill for it. IE.. my two pairs of wings I no longer need.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by R272481777 View Post
                              Simple answer to that is one account per server per user. Boom issue resolved.
                              it is already that way but, if they use multiple email addresses then it is hard to track.

