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Team Arena is an absolute joke

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  • Team Arena is an absolute joke

    The matching in Team Arena needs to be fixed immediately. Our server has been up for 2 weeks and we aren't exactly swimming in BR yet. Every TA we get into we are fighting people with 2-3 times our BR. We don't stand a fighting chance at all. Right now we are averaging 1-2 wins per 10 fights. And thats on a good day!!!! Why is it so difficult to develop a new matching algorithm that pairs us with evenly matched teams? Quit matching us with servers that have been open for a year or so. I'm tired of being fed to the wolves in TA!!!!

  • #2
    lol be happy with what got,be happy ta are cross server and not server like past
    and ta isnt about br are about levs team also
    not their fault if some1 same lev like you ahve 50% more br :P


    • #3
      there are team lvl brackets . under 180 , 181-209 , 210+ . try to find partners and stay where u feel it is better . anyway u get 50% of prestige and 66% of dragon crests even when losing so not such a big deal


      • #4
        That's not the case at all for our TA's. We are seeing lvl 70+ and nobody is 55 on our server yet. And we max at around 400k br sometimes and face teams with 700-800. What's the point?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Drewster98 View Post
          That's not the case at all for our TA's. We are seeing lvl 70+ and nobody is 55 on our server yet. And we max at around 400k br sometimes and face teams with 700-800. What's the point?
          the point?well let's see, dragon crests, more dragon crests, a crapload of dragon crests when the arena rage event is on too.


          • #6
            There are a lot of glitches if you just know about them.

            My server (S301) is a few months old and the highest person with BR is at 532K (me). We're matched with other people who have already lvl 70 Nyssa and what not. It is what it is. I just wish they would fix the TA bug that keeps telling us "Log failed - refresh browser". 2 days in a row now and then we lost attempts when we didn't even do them. Compensate too would be awesome.


            • #7
              When the teams of the new servers matches the teams of the old servers, the players of the old servers usually have more BR.


              • #8
                lol for instance,, TA teams sometimes a party of 2 lvl 70s and an alt meaning it can fight a team who corresponds to the total level of another team...the point is, others tend to go with this kind of strategy, so if happens you encounter one, please bear with it and don't whine... this game hones your thinking and strategy insights not your gripes and whining...lmao

                just enjoy the game...happy hunting


                • #9
                  i totally understand you. It was the same for us when we started on our server. Took us about 2 months to get balanced.
                  And yes this **** about balancing by total level is really bad. You should balance by BR that way it is real balancing, so everyone can have a chance at winning. Don't get me wrong right now i win 65% of TA matches but thats because it is unbalanced.

                  And whoever said you get 50% prestige "its not a big deal", to that i say u are an idiot. because of that 50% you get your main angels slower than you should. You get your ranks slower. So please when you have no clue you should shut up instead of spending and acting like you are making an intelligent comment.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Drewster98 View Post
                    That's not the case at all for our TA's. We are seeing lvl 70+ and nobody is 55 on our server yet. And we max at around 400k br sometimes and face teams with 700-800. What's the point?
                    That's because a lot are known to level cheat.. You'l lhave 2 leb 65.. with lev 70 nyssa's and a lev 30 with a lev 210 angel. They do that so the can get
                    under the level cap

