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  • Formations

    This may not be the proper board to post in BUUUUT...

    A lot of you are complaining about how you have a high BR but can't beat bosses with a lower BR. Yes? Okay so stay with me here.

    BR really has little to do with not being able to beat them. Play with your party's formation - you do NOT have to keep your heroes on your angel's halo. I have a certain party formation that provides max damage and another that provides damage but also defense at the same time. See below pictures for what I mean:

    ^^ My max damage formation - good for WB, GB and Guauntlet.

    ^^ what I usually have it on.

    With the very top picture, I beat Sagittarius. It's really a matter of learning how your heroes fight and maximizing their positions. Personally, when I play with formations, I can beat people that are of higher BR than myself, sometimes even up to 200K higher.

    Maybe this works for some, maybe it doesn't, but I'm throwing it out there.
    Last edited by armyangel88; 07-20-2014, 08:39 PM. Reason: Typo

  • #2
    I see you have Sag on your WB/GB formation. Use Virgo instead. WB/GB cannot be confused or stunned but HP drain does work.
    LoA - Tordeck - [S164] Frost Fortress - ArchAngels


    • #3
      I honestly find that Sagg works best in anything that I do. I've used Virgo and found that it doesn't do as much damage as when I have Sagg on... but I'll give it another go and see if it helps any.


