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  • Calling Administrators to reply!

    1st of all, to CafeAuLait, our "beloved" Moderator:

    HOW DARE YOU ACTING LIKE THAT IN TREAD I HAVE OPENED FOR DISCUSSION!!! If you don't know what topic I am talking about, here it is:

    You were acting like a ignorant child who is frustrated for gods know what reasons! I am Admin/Mod on various forums and you ARE NOT acting like a Moderator!

    YES, it is against the CURRENT rules, but that was a mare SUGGESTION! Look at the name of this section of the forum, it says => "Suggestions & Feedbacks", so what the hell is your problem?!

    1. Do you really care about what players have to say about this game?
    2. I know you want us to spend more, I alone gave over 6k$, so is it wrong if I suggest something that will help me in this game without financially hurting company I am user of?
    3. I am not anyone's slave, but majority of players here will agree with me that this game is pure slavery cause of the events, etc. You are humans too, you have your real life, so let me ask you => is it too much of us to ask for some of our lives back and still remain your customers?!

  • #2
    1. They dont care what any1 has to say. Proven on numeros times.
    2. Cashing any amont doesnt make u elegible to request anything, ecsept in this game, but since they dont profit from it, and make tham do extra work, no it wont happen.
    3. Just call ToS on. If u dont like it, u can leave.

    Thats what they will do/say.
    I think this will be deleted, but oh well, might as well say it. More than 2 of my threads/post were deleted when going on "this kind of subjects". Kindly close down sugestions and feedback since it surves no purpose for this game, and we wont have thise problems with "this kind of subjects" anymore.


    • #3
      lol slave because of the events?I lol-ed


      • #4
        they ask you to pay for what you can afford.. they get a request and if they can understand how to code it and make graphics then it is usually up within a day or two depending on the length of code.. as a coder myself (only python(learning java soon)) i understand that it is annoying to be told off for not having your requests actually done.
        If you want your requests done then i suggest you give some code ideas.. if you dont know what to show them then don't ask.. i thought of a trade idea.. i made a code idea in pyscripter .. i suggest that you either stop moaning about having to pay for things or just miss an event out or two so that you can have your so called "real life" or you just dont waste your "real life" playing video games full stop .. you are one of the only people sad enough to blame it on people just because you think that they don't work hard enough..

        i know that im not an admin but answering to question 2: it doesnt cost money to code a plugin for the game.. it is just the cost of wages which depends on the work that people have done.. i believe that i could save you money unlimited497 in just one tip.... TURN OFF THE COMPUTER ONCE IN A WHILE DUMB*SS

        the only reason i took my time on this is because im just sat here bored at the start of the 6 week holidays with sun stroke and sun burn all over me :3

        Kind Regards,
        Last edited by Stepste99; 07-23-2014, 08:24 AM.

