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  • Transfering

    Can we have the possibility to transfer a character from a server to another server?

    Like from a east us server to an european server (which will help me a lot with the time of in game events)

    Edit: i would not like to loose my char for creating another one so my time will almost match the time of the in game events.
    so would you please either help me either create a way for that to happen

    thx in advance
    Last edited by Mia26; 07-23-2014, 04:02 PM.

  • #2
    this woudnt work.. then people with high br would like to do this and they would all over-run the newer/weaker servers .. this would disrupt others and more issues will be around


    • #3
      transfering just one time not all the time
      you change the server and that's it. one chance
      that what i was talking about


      • #4
        They could make it so that the person can change to a server of similar lvl but not lower. For example if a person wants to transfer to another server and lets say he is in server 100 atm he can only change to server 1 to 99 and not to 101. Just my 2cents worth what u think guys?


        • #5
          I think I ever read bout this when servers opened in new time zone. Players can switch to another time zone but only to equal level server. But not sure if I read it here or on GTA forum.
          Originally posted by Henry Miller
          There are only three things to be done with a woman. You can love her, suffer for her, or turn her into literature.



          • #6
            No, I'm sorry it's R2games policy to not transfer characters to keep the game balanced. You are free to create a character on another server with the same account but you would start over. We do not transfer diamonds, clothing, vip or anything else, it's bound the server it was purchased on.
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            • #7
              Oh I see...if it's from the interview with burning, it's because that burning is a GTArcade player not an r2 one. (that post has long been edited to take out that part...I guess because of possible misunderstandings like this one)
              Last edited by Solariai; 07-26-2014, 01:12 PM.
              [S19] Bahold Castle - Solaria Luna - Warrior - Lv75
              [S75] Secret Sanctum - Hunter - Lv38
              League of Angels
              [s147/ua25] Thane of Winter Sorceror - Lv79
              Eternal Saga - Ranger - Retired
              Lunaria Story - Elementalist - Pretty much retired

              That being said character names in games I play is Solariai

