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Block chat

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  • Block chat

    Limba Romana !

    Am chat-ul blocat de doua luni si cred ca mi-ati dat o pedeapta in bataie de joc.
    Vreau ca un GM sa nu ma mai ignore si sa-mi scoata soapta pentru ca am multe persoane cu care doresc sa discut in acest joc. Am dat 3 mesaje private lui R2CS_Rita, R2_Mars si am fost toatal ignorat.
    P.S ma repet am block chat de doua luni + ........

    language English !

    We chat blocked for two months and I think you gave me a mock pedeapta.
    I want a GM to not ignore me and whisper me out because I have many people who want to discuss in this game. I had 3 private message R2CS_Rita, R2_Mars and we were all ignored.
    PS I repeat myself two months + block chat ........

    Last edited by denis_cs2005; 07-29-2014, 04:26 PM.
    Name : Teamon
    Level : Upp
    Server [S35] Azrael's Grasp

  • #2
    You need that thread:

    And sending messages to Mars and Rita is useless. Try Edge or Cafe....
    s56 Starcrest Mountains

    “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”

