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S140 Mad King Zorn requests merge as instructed by GM - Server is dying

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  • S140 Mad King Zorn requests merge as instructed by GM - Server is dying

    Greetings R2Games staff,

    Several of our members have been complaining of the lack of active players on our server.

    World Boss events rarely have more than 10 people attending.

    Twilight Clash consists of fighting 0 people at 22:00, 4-7 people at 22:30 for the final, and no match at 23:00.

    Lower level players have a hard time getting successful Raids on Raiders, since there are so few people Exploring. Higher level players attack the same people at the same times almost every day.

    While I am sure all servers decline in population over time, ours has come to a point where long time players, and high spending players are leaving because there is so little competition and boredom sets in. I think it is in your best interest as well as ours to address this.

    We have had responses from 2 GM's in this matter. One stated we need less than 50 active players. And the other that I make this topic. I don't know our active player numbers but here is our plea: Please either move us up in the queue of servers being merged, or consider an "emergency" merge with another server.

    Thank you,
    Roland - Knights
    S140 - Mad King Zorn

  • #2
    Yes. That's absolutely true. We are only a hand full of active players left. Please merge us.

    Budha - Knights
    Last edited by kosta_budha; 07-30-2014, 09:59 AM.


    • #3
      Totally agreed, at this point our server is just about self progress than competition, or team work, its getting really boring and it's a waste of the time we've spent on it.

      Lightwisher - LikeGoDsS.
      Last edited by R222255526; 07-30-2014, 09:33 AM.


      • #4
        I m agreeing with all it is writen above... our server is dying....

        Lady Blade - Knights

        S140 - Mad King Zorn


        • #5
          I m agreeing with all it is writen above... our server is dying....

          manswer88 -Like Gods
          S140 - Mad King Zorn


          • #6
            I agree with the server merge also, we need more active players to do our Team dung's, Team arena's, and doing Guild events. I am a very high player on this server and i still have problems finding teams to do all the stuff in a day and some events require this and i feel in a couple weeks it may prohibit me from obtaining such-like events. please do something we are very much dying and losing hope, we have maybe 15 people on a day with a few alts to help in Team arena's and such Please help us.

            Kingdom - LikeGoDsS -S140 MadKingZorn


            • #7
              IG town City - Knights
              S140 - Mad King Zorn

              ''I agreed and gave the best....
              so please we
              Last edited by R268806013; 07-30-2014, 10:38 AM.


              • #8
                I agree with every thing that is written above.


                • #9
                  yes i ******* agree with everybody
                  at the beginning i was so amazed to play here , and i also over spend , btw times ago i noticed lot of people giving up (DalimatCZ) they have spent and gaved up only cause there're no people giving fight and make u have fun here ... so R2Games Merge ! or this will be first server to dye but not last ...

                  p.s. sorry for my English writing , hope u can inderstand xD



                  • #10
                    I too have noticed a decline in active players. I can get through the quests that I can solo, but it is rare to be able to put a team together to complete the team competitions. I have over 100 shards in raiders in two catagories but can find the ones I need from others since there are so few "ecxploring" and it is rare to " explore the ones needed. (separate issue) It would be nice to have players avaiable, a server merge would help.

                    tHighlander LikeGodSs


                    • #11
                      After reading previous posts I have nothing to add. Much fading to the lack of active players. It would really help us to merge with any other server to obtain new active members and ease of playing of tasks for group.

                      Berushka - LikeGoDsS


                      • #12
                        totally agree.. find it very frustrating to have so few people online to chat and do events with.. please merge us with another server asap!


                        • #13
                          Update, just did quiz with 6 people, last nights clash had 3 people, world boss 6 people last night....


                          • #14
                            this is something that we are always looking into, so in due time it will more then likely happen.

