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Suggestion for Trade Item system to be create

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  • Suggestion for Trade Item system to be create

    Dear Gm and friends around the world in game

    I do got a suggestion will it be possible u guys create a Trading Item icon system for the game, so all players can trade their items in bag that they don't want or no use to other players( or guildmates ). Like me I do got a lot of funny shards which is extra after making from last event, and all cannot be used, or even sell. I do got a suggestion weather is it possible for u guys to create a Trade System icon in game so all players can trade their items tat they dont want to other players than put it in the bags and can onli be seen and cannot be sell or use lol....
    And is really making alot of spaces in the bag slots. Well there is some game do got trade icon system in game for players to trade those item they do not want to others than wasting the slots in the bag. well if i am not wrong, Gm don't create trade icons is it becos u scare if players can trade item and no 1 will spend cash into game in event, I can tell u, u will be wrong, cos if there is a trade system icon, and all the players traded the item to the player who still short of like example 50-100pcs of the item shards and no 1 in the server still have the item, he/she sure 100% will pay cash to recharge for those item reason some items is tempting cos jus short of few pieces so it could also let u guys earn more than if there is a trade system in game. Well is gd to have trade system so it wont stuck alot of funny shards in bags tat cant even throw away or even sell, and can onli be seen and tat it wasting us alot of empty space in the bag...

    Hoping tis game will have a trade system asap so every players can have what they need or no need to other players for and recharge some cash for those tempting item they need.....

  • #2
    And what exactly limitations you offer for your trade system? Cause I don't see any?
    s56 Starcrest Mountains

    “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


    • #3
      I'd rather have a trade system of a shard of an outfit, wings, or mount for a shard of a different outfit, wings, or mount.
      [S19] Bahold Castle - Solaria Luna - Warrior - Lv75
      [S75] Secret Sanctum - Hunter - Lv38
      League of Angels
      [s147/ua25] Thane of Winter Sorceror - Lv79
      Eternal Saga - Ranger - Retired
      Lunaria Story - Elementalist - Pretty much retired

      That being said character names in games I play is Solariai


      • #4
        r u telling me to show u all my extra shards here osobena lol... well if u dun like the trade system, is ok. cos alot players would love to have a trade system, well maybe u jus have a little of stuff in ur bags tat why u r saying these as we got nearly 4 column full with all kind of shards lol and items tats cannot be use or sell even... When days come and when ur stuff become more and more and cannot be sell or use, i think u will not be saying these kind of rubbish words already...


        • #5
          Originally posted by BlueSky83 View Post
          r u telling me to show u all my extra shards here osobena lol... well if u dun like the trade system, is ok. cos alot players would love to have a trade system, well maybe u jus have a little of stuff in ur bags tat why u r saying these as we got nearly 4 column full with all kind of shards lol and items tats cannot be use or sell even... When days come and when ur stuff become more and more and cannot be sell or use, i think u will not be saying these kind of rubbish words already...
          Lvl 75 here, trust me, I know what you mean with bag being full with stuff. BUT a trade system have to have some limitations and regulations, cause it can be very easily abused. I don't want to see for example a player making an alt to get more shards from something, say Wheel of luck, and transfer all these shards to his main. This way he gets the item before everybody else and that without spending. So, yeah, I like the idea of some sort of a trade system, but it needs rules. That's why I am asking you what you have in mind for limitations.
          s56 Starcrest Mountains

          “Life's a game, all you have to do, is know how to play it.”


          • #6
            I like the idea. Best is if you can send gifts from player to player.


            • #7
              id like to be able to do trading to guildies, friends, not for gold but if i upgrade my wings or clothes.. handing down my old ones to someone who needs would be nice..


              • #8
                make event once a month, something like roses event, that you can trade one item or stack of item to friend you have more than 750 intimacy for example, or so, just to prevent that things osobena mentioned, personaly i dont think that free trade system is good without strictly rules, alts are one problem, but not the only one, so, yes for trade or sell option but hard and strict rules on it
                second option is to make some "box event" or soemthing where players can drop things that they dont want to hold anymore, and other players can buy for in game items like gem enchant stones, soulstones or wing shards that need to be earned in game
                S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                UC 27 current server

                You are really alive when you have someone to die for


                • #9
                  no more ideas?
                  S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
                  now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
                  Guild - Lunatic Cafe
                  UC 27 current server

                  You are really alive when you have someone to die for


                  • #10
                    I Dont Like Idea for Trade Feature .. its will invite too much hacker and ALt's if that feature active.... but I want "Item Split" Feature.... we need it....
                    (S121) Republic Of Dis
                    GuiLD : ShaDuR

                    ♥Never GIVE UP, Fix MISTAKES & Keep STEPPING♥


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BlueSky83 View Post
                      Dear Gm and friends around the world in game

                      I do got a suggestion will it be possible u guys create a Trading Item icon system for the game, so all players can trade their items in bag that they don't want or no use to other players( or guildmates ). Like me I do got a lot of funny shards which is extra after making from last event, and all cannot be used, or even sell. I do got a suggestion weather is it possible for u guys to create a Trade System icon in game so all players can trade their items tat they dont want to other players than put it in the bags and can onli be seen and cannot be sell or use lol....
                      And is really making alot of spaces in the bag slots. Well there is some game do got trade icon system in game for players to trade those item they do not want to others than wasting the slots in the bag. well if i am not wrong, Gm don't create trade icons is it becos u scare if players can trade item and no 1 will spend cash into game in event, I can tell u, u will be wrong, cos if there is a trade system icon, and all the players traded the item to the player who still short of like example 50-100pcs of the item shards and no 1 in the server still have the item, he/she sure 100% will pay cash to recharge for those item reason some items is tempting cos jus short of few pieces so it could also let u guys earn more than if there is a trade system in game. Well is gd to have trade system so it wont stuck alot of funny shards in bags tat cant even throw away or even sell, and can onli be seen and tat it wasting us alot of empty space in the bag...

                      Hoping tis game will have a trade system asap so every players can have what they need or no need to other players for and recharge some cash for those tempting item they need.....
                      i would say nope, but why?

                      item pooling will absolutely happen,
                      - they make glacial wolf for 10 days if you get everyday, with 10 alt, they get them on 1 day.

                      "What are you prepared to sacrifice"
                      "Victory costs, every time you pay a little more"


                      • #12
                        There will not be a trading system implemented as it would be open to too much abuse.
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