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Extreme pricing?

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  • Extreme pricing?

    Ok after playing for a few months now I have to ask what is with the insane prices for everything in this game? you charge $1 for every
    100 diamonds which is a fair system in most all games now days, unless you charge a insane amount of diamonds for things. 100 diamonds for 20 stamina?
    50 diamonds for 1 att at clash of might? these kinds of rates are as dumb as the people who would pay them. and the events are far far worse, 500 for a
    single card draw that gives a chance not a guarantee for the special card you need. you do realize high prices like those will eventually destroy this game.
    very very few people can afford to spend this kind of money on a game. the potential of this game is limitless, it is already a great game but the prices
    discourage new players and drive them off quickly.
    People will only get slaughtered in cross server and constantly beat down by players with a high BR before they quit, since they cant beat them without
    spending thousands of dollars to do so. now I know your here to make a profit but this is overkill. if your going to have an "event" all players should have
    an equal chance at winning not the person who threw the most money at you wins. if the game was more balanced and prices were actually lowered to
    the point I got some value for my money I'd be happy to support the game by spending money. 20 stamina....20 diamonds....1 attempt at ANYTHING
    (erebus, eternal spire, fishing, etc.) 10-20 diamonds. if you made the events and prices like that you would not only get more players but more players
    spending money. right now out of the 70 players on my server only 25 are active and out of those 25 players 10 are VIP and out of those 10 only
    3 spend money outside of their VIP renewal and that's not very much either. this amounts to around $200 a month in your pocket from 1 server
    that's not even enough to keep the thing turned on so we can play the game. now I know if by some miracle you actually listened to just one player and said hey their right and you lowered your prices to be more reasonable some cash players would scream as loud as they could because of how much they spent already...well think of it as a permanent sale where you will get much more for the money you spend now.

    oh and on a side note fix the extreme lag in cross server already it takes 30 min to do 10 fights in team arena.

  • #2
    Yes, prices should drop and price increasing on every new attempt is not fair.


    • #3
      I understand they are in it to make money. On the other side yes, prices for a lot of things are higher than what they need to be.
      It takes money to keep up with the servers and work on clearing up the lag. However, keeping high prices, makes people not want to put money in the game. If I put in $5, I want it to last longer than a day or two.
      Shiny stuff makes me happy!!

      S195 Fox's Inn
      Level 85+


      • #4
        couldnt agree more, 100 diamonds for 1 blitz in aegis that can bring you 10-15 shards, or one lvl 4 crystal 400 diamonds, yes, a bit too much
        S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
        now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
        Guild - Lunatic Cafe
        UC 27 current server

        You are really alive when you have someone to die for


        • #5
          They wont listen They just want to make a quick buck get a much of peoples cash as they can and then when the game burns out they will move on to a new game to publish. They dont honestly care about making a game envoyable for their consumers, not as long as they can fool some cash cow into sending them thousands of dollars for stings of intangible code.
          LoA - Tordeck - [S164] Frost Fortress - ArchAngels


          • #6
            Only way to complain about that is via GTArcade since they set the amounts.


            • #7
              besides why would they change they make a killing off cross server tycoon where they make more then enough to make big profit aswell as the huge cashers get stronger the average spender has no hope and yes paying $200 to get the angel mik from the new angel exclusive was a joke,and you had to spend half of it to get the if you already had the first angel then unless you recharge you get nothing.

