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the gripes and the moans

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  • the gripes and the moans

    i play Black Betty on the Malefic Court server. I just wanted to say you guys do a good job. It seems like any times you guys announce anything, be it here or on facebook, it is immediately met with griping. It is either free players complaining about not getting diamonds or the such and how terrible you alienate them, or veteran cashers complaining about the amount of money they spent and now this game feature does not cost a fortune. I think you guys have done great lately. Angels not normally available, clothes for free, mounts, etc. I feel it is a good balance. thanks for your work. shame on the gripers who do it as a knee jerk reaction, you goys are great. well, most of the time anyway

  • #2
    agree, most thing ara balanced, now that just to fix in fight angel BR lose that is problem for weeks and matcmaking in CS and it will be perfect
    S 118 - Evil's Bane - IGN solowingpixy
    now S-UA56 without our will->UB38 now
    Guild - Lunatic Cafe
    UC 27 current server

    You are really alive when you have someone to die for

