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Legendary Weapons

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  • Legendary Weapons

    Okay, I'm not sure if it was posted earlier at any particular point, but it needs to be said - these need a serious nerf. Quite frankly, they're gamebreaking and make it absolutely impossible for mid-level cashers and lower to even compete with those who're willing to spend $1000+ to even get a chance to win one.

    And no, I wish I were joking about that $1000+.

    A weapon with naturally high damage, I can understand. Provides healing on every hit? Non-cashing players with 1m br on my server are losing to someone with 800k br who put in $1000+ to rank in the top 30 for the last cross server tycoon.

    I know that r2 is trying to make cash, certainly. But with a gamebreaking item like legendary weapons which only those who are willing to spend thousands on can obtain, the concept of competition flies out the window and becomes "if you have one, you win."

  • #2
    And having a level 85 Victoriana isn't game-breaking?

    Seriously, I understand your point and your concern. However, people who pay will always have a theoretical edge over those who don't (or pay less) in this game. The concept of competition is still present, but non-spenders should not expect to be able to go toe-to-toe with spenders, everything else being equal. Otherwise, what's the point of spending?

    Please note the emphasis on everything else being equal.

