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God I am Tired of the unbalanced Cross server teams

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  • #16
    Anyone else here lost in CS 1010 to 0?
    I have a few times.
    I monster with 1.4 mill BR killed everyone then stood at our respawn and popped us off as we came out.
    Also tired of this "too far away approaching" message, then not being able to move.
    I'd also like to know who that player is that is using my attack or movement bonus button.
    THEN there's that USELESS DAMN CHEST that you just can't get around without stopping while it takes ages to load.
    We've got the icon in top left, we DON'T NEED IT IN OUR WAY.
    BTW, that 'capcha' thing at the beginning ..... the only people that messes up is US PEOPLE with bad eyes.
    I need a magnifying glass to read it and still get it wrong sometimes.
    There's some feedback for you ...... now to post about tournament times.
    Get a life, they said.
    I'm a GAMER, I replied,I have LOTS of lives


    • #17
      I just had a matchup with one team being half 55-61, half 71/72 against a team with one 59, a low 70 and the rest 75-77...


      • #18
        well here we are again. Days later and it's been the same thing over and over. A couple of days ago, there was one match that was down right pathetic. 1005 to 130. Can you please address this problem, it's ruining the Cross server matches.


        • #19
          well I have a over an hour wait now because i get put in a cs in progress where the other team is already up 620 to 120 and even though i am the strongest on the team, the other has at least 3 that can kill me even at 25% health and I am at 100%. I only managed 79 points. tell me how that is fair. I understand the point of the countdown when you get low points, but when i only get to play for a couple minutes and am killed almost instantly ever time why should I be penalized? This is ridiculous

          BTW, I am at around 950k br so i am no slouch when i comes to battles so that really says something about how unbalanced and unfair this system is.
          Last edited by Correllian; 08-19-2014, 06:51 AM.


          • #20
            They used to tell us the teams were figured out by br and if someone dropped from que the next person that was in que was grabbed that was why team would get off balanced. I call bull! I am repeated in games were there are 3-4 1.4+ mil players on a team against a team with maybe 2 1 mil 2 900 and the rest under....yeah i get some balanced games maybe 1 in 15 of late. I have no issue with the higher brs i just would like them distributed more evenly on the teams to make it a more fair fun cs game .
            Assyrians S18/UA8


            • #21
              Hope we can have costum teams in the future. If we can team up with 3-4 good players and the rest is ramdom at least the fun will be bigger


              • #22
                Could it be that people are starting to get fed up with the disparity................. I wonder!! Tonight I played in 5 CS matches, only 1 had a score that was anyway near competitive. Ended @ 1010 to 840. Not a bad match, it actually was close up to the last few minutes. The other 4 matches were laughable, between 400 to 700 point difference in the scores between the 2 teams. But something that caught my eye was that not one of these matches filled up to 10 players per team. There was only 6 or 7 players on each team in any one of the matches. Please don't let CS die a slow death by not addressing this problem.


                • #23
                  New setup is 7v7 thats why they werent "full"
                  LoA - Tordeck - [S164] Frost Fortress - ArchAngels


                  • #24
                    Yes, that may be , but why the change? One possible explanation is that they didn't have enough people playing in CS to support the 10 player teams because people are getting fed up with the disparity between teams. Just saying!!


                    • #25
                      they said they changed it to make it easier to get in and have less queue time.


                      • #26
                        Well, looks like another typical night in CS. First match score 1010 to 300.It really was quite laughable. 5 players on one team @ 1M plus brs (highest being 1.6M br) against the other team who had 2 just barely over 1M.


                        • #27
                          well that 3rd one was even better, 1000 to 220. Someone said we're almost done guys and received a reply "lol this was over a long time ago". They were right, it was never even a contest from the start.


                          • #28
                            SSDD how pathetic


                            • #29
                              it seems to me Pompo345 you have really bad luck for matching in cross sever, sorry to hear this. but keep your chin up.


                              • #30
                                No , your mistaken XeroLOA. I end up on both kinds of teams rather consistently. I'm not complaining because I am always on the losing side. My record is 337 wins and 281 loses. I'm ranked 12th in CS battle points. My whole purpose here it to bring back the excitement and fun to the CS matches. It doesn't matter which side you're on , winning or losing. The imbalance of teams ruins the game. I makes it boring and frustrating for all the players involved. Like I have said before, CS can be a really exciting and fun event when the is balance between the two teams.

                                And yes, you see that right. I've played in 618 CS matches, I speak from experience.
                                Last edited by Pompo345; 09-01-2014, 07:31 AM.

