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Paladin Finishing move Shiel Wall Lvl 70

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  • Paladin Finishing move Shiel Wall Lvl 70

    I just max out paladin skill finishing move Shield wall :
    It said Add shield equivalent to 21% HP for 2 turns

    While lvl 50 finishing skill Frenzied Regen :
    Character Recover 23% HP

    - 23% is Better than 21%
    - Recover HP is permanent, while Shield only 2 turns

    Normally higher level gives better skills ....
    Why is the lvl 70 skill is worst than lvl 50 ?
    Or maybe Shield wall is better procure (but no mention anywhere to make sure)

    Well that my opinion, maybe others can give more insight on this.
    Thx in advance

  • #2
    Originally posted by R23127678 View Post
    I just max out paladin skill finishing move Shield wall :
    It said Add shield equivalent to 21% HP for 2 turns

    While lvl 50 finishing skill Frenzied Regen :
    Character Recover 23% HP

    - 23% is Better than 21%
    - Recover HP is permanent, while Shield only 2 turns

    Normally higher level gives better skills ....
    Why is the lvl 70 skill is worst than lvl 50 ?
    Or maybe Shield wall is better procure (but no mention anywhere to make sure)

    Well that my opinion, maybe others can give more insight on this.
    Thx in advance
    again, irritating answer, depends on the situation :P

    lets say youre using rage emblem. which one is better in that case? hp recovery or shield fer next turns?

    another situation. youre not using rage emblem. youre in backrow. youre supposed to trigger before angel attacks. which one will you prefer? a shield for angel attack? or recovery of hp (you shouldnt have gotten hit much, since you were in backrow).
    Last edited by MagusRynd; 08-05-2014, 12:53 PM.
    League of Angels

    S94 Lonewind Forest
    Magus Rynd


    • #3
      Hmm ...
      That actually make sense.
      I starting to understand the difference.

      In my case, I put my main in front. Cos i am paladin focus on dodge and Claw in back as hitter.
      And i dont use rage emblem, but use Ruin emblem (add chance to trigger finishing move).

      So basically, if main in back, Shield wall is better.
      If main in front, frenzied regen is better.


      • #4
        I can see shield wall only being effective in the first few rounds of a fight. (Pvp) but I think you will absolutely need the 23% instant heal for most of the remaining fight. I would only concider using the wall if its % was higher. Just my personal opinion.


        • #5
          Originally posted by R23127678 View Post
          I just max out paladin skill finishing move Shield wall :
          It said Add shield equivalent to 21% HP for 2 turns

          While lvl 50 finishing skill Frenzied Regen :
          Character Recover 23% HP

          COMMON SENSE :
          - 23% is Better than 21%
          - Recover HP is permanent, while Shield only 2 turns

          Normally higher level gives better skills ....
          Why is the lvl 70 skill is worst than lvl 50 ?
          Or maybe Shield wall is better procure (but no mention anywhere to make sure)

          Well that my opinion, maybe others can give more insight on this.
          Thx in advance
          in my opinion, it is better than heal. why? it is 2 turn rit. except if u r able to proc finishing skill every turn.
          Now Playing ~ Shadowbound [S13] - Hunter

          played games so far (in many different account) ~ Crystal Saga, Wartune, Broken Realm, Eternal Saga, Dragon Pals, Yitien, Blade Hunter (alpha), Lunaria Story, League of Angels, Monkey King Online, Crusader of Solaris, Shadowbound, Mythborne (alpha), Stormthrone (alpha) more list to come


          • #6
            Berserker > Paladin


            • #7
              Originally posted by XrosSlash View Post
              in my opinion, it is better than heal. why? it is 2 turn rit. except if u r able to proc finishing skill every turn.
              Ehm .. its 21% HP "FOR" 2 turns .... not Every turn
              That means if i get hit in 1st turn and lost 10%HP, on 2nd turn the shield only 11%HP left.

