Today we are so glad to have a speak with the latest Cross-Server Tournament Champion-mejo from another platform Ngames-S22! He will be the victorious one taking the beautiful Victoriana Figurine home this time! Congratulations! Now let's have a look at what mejo has to say about the game!
Q. Hi mejo, how long have you been playing LOA, and how did you know about this game?
A. I started playing the game let say since April 2014, and I heard about it from a friend.
Q. How many hours do you spend in the game per day?
A. I can be online for more than 12 hours but not in front the PC all time so let say between 2-5 hours.
Q. In the Cross-Server tournament, did you presume from the beginning that you would rank the top?
A. There are many good players and they are improving themselves everyday so for me I always keep in mind that someday someone will come and take me out and actually it did happened but got some help from good friends they guided me and I got back and won it and I thank them for that.
Q. Do you have any experiences to share with us about your battle skills and your heroes?
A. I used to think that having a huge big fat BR will make me win but its not true, in time you realize that you can have a low BR but still can kick *** for good, so what I learned and what my friends taught me is to focus on the things that will keep me going like dodge, hit, crit, hp and rage.
Q. During the last 6 months, which battle impressed you most?
A. lol I rare watch fights. I always skip and usually I don’t remember what I had for dinner last night so I don’t know lol.
Q. What do you think you can get from LoA?
A. Bankruptcy lol, each game has its thing and each game you play you learn new things new techniques new ways of dealing and thinking outta the box and experience that can help in other similar games.
Q. As for your friends and partners in the alliance, do you have anything to tell them?
A. To all my friends thank you for your support. I appreciate every tiny help and I wish you all the best in life first then in the game, and I’m not a hero or a mighty or a legend I’m just a normal person playing this game. I do mistakes and I can fall down and get defeated but I don’t brag or show off or mock lower players or talk bad behind someone’s back or take it personally like many others
and to my haters, oh plz grow up it’s a game not a presidential election lol.
Congratulations to all crowned players! The angel figurine will be delivered to mejo through express mail. We hope that more players will get to take home the figurine in future (every player can get only one Angle figurine. If the crowned player in the next tournament has already won the Angel figurine, such as mejo, the prize will go to the player ranked second).
(Originally from Gtarcade)
Official Site:
Q. Hi mejo, how long have you been playing LOA, and how did you know about this game?
A. I started playing the game let say since April 2014, and I heard about it from a friend.
Q. How many hours do you spend in the game per day?
A. I can be online for more than 12 hours but not in front the PC all time so let say between 2-5 hours.
Q. In the Cross-Server tournament, did you presume from the beginning that you would rank the top?
A. There are many good players and they are improving themselves everyday so for me I always keep in mind that someday someone will come and take me out and actually it did happened but got some help from good friends they guided me and I got back and won it and I thank them for that.
Q. Do you have any experiences to share with us about your battle skills and your heroes?
A. I used to think that having a huge big fat BR will make me win but its not true, in time you realize that you can have a low BR but still can kick *** for good, so what I learned and what my friends taught me is to focus on the things that will keep me going like dodge, hit, crit, hp and rage.
Q. During the last 6 months, which battle impressed you most?
A. lol I rare watch fights. I always skip and usually I don’t remember what I had for dinner last night so I don’t know lol.
Q. What do you think you can get from LoA?
A. Bankruptcy lol, each game has its thing and each game you play you learn new things new techniques new ways of dealing and thinking outta the box and experience that can help in other similar games.
Q. As for your friends and partners in the alliance, do you have anything to tell them?
A. To all my friends thank you for your support. I appreciate every tiny help and I wish you all the best in life first then in the game, and I’m not a hero or a mighty or a legend I’m just a normal person playing this game. I do mistakes and I can fall down and get defeated but I don’t brag or show off or mock lower players or talk bad behind someone’s back or take it personally like many others

Congratulations to all crowned players! The angel figurine will be delivered to mejo through express mail. We hope that more players will get to take home the figurine in future (every player can get only one Angle figurine. If the crowned player in the next tournament has already won the Angel figurine, such as mejo, the prize will go to the player ranked second).
(Originally from Gtarcade)
Official Site: