Update Time: Sep. 7th
New Version: V3.90
New Feature:
Unbreakable Bond for Sylphs

New Mount:
Titian Dragon
Glamour skill: Titian Nightmare

New Angel in Angel Awakening System:
New CS Feature:
New Team Tournament (PVP)
Note: The new feature will open on September 11th (server time) for HKT servers ONLY.
1.Fixed the bug that lead to the failure to activate angel Zorya in Unbreakable Bond.
2.Fixed the description problem with Blood King’s skill.
New Version: V3.90
New Feature:
Unbreakable Bond for Sylphs
New Mount:
Titian Dragon
Glamour skill: Titian Nightmare
New Angel in Angel Awakening System:
New CS Feature:
New Team Tournament (PVP)
Note: The new feature will open on September 11th (server time) for HKT servers ONLY.
1.Fixed the bug that lead to the failure to activate angel Zorya in Unbreakable Bond.
2.Fixed the description problem with Blood King’s skill.