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Ing: Stark Class: Sorcerer Guild: Warlords Server: [S51] Rellgra
A lot of players are unaware mostly new to the game when they do Solo Arena (SA), Team Arena (TA), Clash Of Might (COM) and World Boss (WB) that they cannot see or have not reach their max damage.
Well, this guide that I have made is based on my experience playing LOA.
Halo Formation
Each angel has its own Halo formation depends on the required level and prestige rank of your character. While other angels come from the event ex. Lunaria can be acquired on your 1st recharge of diamond. I have included this list for you to have a recap to each one of the angels and credits to Livestock in his General Guide [Spoilers] ver 1.40 you can check out his thread for more information. I have included Nyssa and Amora as our new Angels in this game.
Max Level : 20
Requires : Level 7, Complete rose knight quest
Max Level : 50
Requires : Level 10, Lunaria's Icon (Obtained from first recharge pack)
Max Level : 40
Requires : Level 50, Baron ★, Loralei's Icon (Available in Arena Shop)
Max Level : 50
Requires : Level 10, Claudia's Icon (Available in Christmas Store)
Max Level : 50
Requires : Level 50, Baron ★★★★★ , Marina's Icon (Available in Arena Shop)
Max Level : 50
Requires : Level 50, Baron ★★★★★ , Glacia's Icon (Available in Arena Shop)
Max Level : 60
Requires : Level 50, Viscount ★★ ,Boadicea's Icon (Available in Arena Shop)
Max Level : 60
Requires : Level 40, Angelina's Icon (Obtained from Special Event)
Max Level : 70
Requires : Level 60, Earl ★ ,Nyssa's Icon (Available in Arena Shop)
Max Level : 70
Requires : Level 50, Amora's Icon (Obtained from Special Event)
You must need to know is where you will going to place your Heroes at the right Halo bonus stat.
Open Character then select one of your Hero then hover the mouse pointer to your Hero a box will appear with the list of stats. In this box you can use this as reference and locate to which Halo you will going to put them and assigned one by one, see example below;
Halo has a big role in making a party for you to be able to dominate on the said event. The first time you play LOA at start of the game you will have angel Noctuna and has 2 slot Halo is available. As you can see there are green stat bonus on top of their head representing Halo stat bonus from the formation. These stats help your party to have an edge with your opponent.
* Take a closer look because it might affect the heroes’ attack or skill when you place each one of them on the wrong halo.
Once you’re Angel have reached a certain level each slot will open, until your angel get the required level and complete the 5 slot halo formation for you to use. Take note every Angel has max level to perform and open halo slots. Each of these has different stat bonus depends on the hero you will use. By the way, there is one slot available if you think that your Hero does not need one of the Halo stats that you are using then you can place them in an empty slot.
This is the party that I always use in some of the events in the game.
I go now to the last part of my share is the formation that I have defeated Zodiac Virgo. As you can see there in the Aegis Skill that icon represents Virgo Aegis and now I am using with my party. Now my BR got higher but that time I defeated virgo is in 159K BR. It depends on your party to dominate in a fight.
Why did I re-arrange? cause I figure out in fight you don't need to get lose most of the time all I think is to survive a fight. One more thing I have replace Crit gems into Dodge gems to be able to avoid attack.
Hope you'd like my guide and I have given you information that you can use ingame.
See you ingame ^_^
Last edited by R219830526; 03-03-2014, 05:28 PM.
Reason: replace image
League Of Angels IGN: Stark Class: Sorcerer Guild: Prototype X Server: [S51] Rellgra
Hey guys! just a friendly advice, your BR is not the basis of your strength. most of the times and we all see that hero dies first before your main character right? so don't focus on strengthening all of your heroes.. strengthen your main character... when all of your items and gems are enhanced to level 50 and already level 5 gems. that is the time you can strengthen also your other heroes, but, still don't forget to have your sub heroes items to level 20 and have complete level 3 gems so you can also have the combo bonuses... in leveling your angel and training your heroes, don't hide it and then use it when you already have many.. it's just a waste of time. do your team arena and solo arena everyday. don't miss it! it's very important! specially when wanting better angels! you can use arena badge to buy angel's icon and dragon chest for stones! this two also gives you prestige points for you to upgrade your title, it is important because some of the angel requires this kind of title for you to use them... so that's all! hope you find this interesting and helpful to you guys! remember! main first!
IGN: marsh11212
server: Bloodbane Crypt
I am not to far into the game.
Things that I have noticed though are these.
1.)Always Upgrade your equipment as much as possible.
2.)Always complete the Circuit quests.
3.)Don't be afraid or shy to ask someone for help when doing a team dungeon.
4.)Always make sure you do not forget to collect your new player bonuses.
5.)When doing gems make sure you upgrade when you get the chance for better quality gems.
6.)Make sure you always get your fishing on!.
7.)Do not just upgrade on skill upgrade them at different paces.
8.)Do not forget to participate in event's such as world bosses, the quiz ect.
Well that's about it for me.
Amazon, [S1] Nocturna's Tear
I am unable to make a screen shot due to having a very high resolution (The file sizes go up to 5mb)
Although i'm pretty new myself i figured out some things by checking forums and in game questioning didn't see anything about battle formation so i'll post something about it hope i'm right
Battle Theory:
Angels tend to do the most damage, One Toon must survive in order to allow the angel to attack again.
Unless you spend money on cloths or have the newest max equipment this will hold true.
Your Toon without rage is just a over-powered Body-Guard, rage will determine alot battles.
Aegis are the hardest battles in the game, don't discouraged losing.
1: Spend 90% of your money on equipment, the new Body-Guards are nice but a poorly equip Red BG is prey for a max equip Blue BG.
2: Even thou it seems useful to syth crystals Don't do it, they are more important to use later when you will not be getting them for missions and bonding.
3: All Aegis should be level 2 or higher, only ones that you intend to use should be brought up much higher, Taurus/Leo/Cancer Tend to be the best for their abilities.
4: You mount is very important, it is the only permanent BG you get from the beginning. Use most of your Soulstones here.
5: Your party typically should have a strategy based of of your guards strengths Etc... Focusing on P-def in the front and M-Def in back is an incredible simple strategy that just works.
6: Healers and Bgs that attack all are a great assets, including tanks to be fodder in-front.
7: You are your main asset besides your angel, pamper yourself first and your favorite BG next, Unless you are spending money on the game you can't equpt all of them with regular game play.
Hope this helped.
Character : Apofis
Server : (29) Angelic Exile
No pic cause i don't know how
Each Training level will give you instant battle rating. But the Bonus Attribute will see the effects in main battle.
All u need is "SOUL STONES" . Mount Train will give u invisible attribute in battle rating. but once you try to find an opponent it will add your BR in actual battle..
if u are thinking why your BR in Main Battle is increase by a thousand. it is because of your mount train level. lets see how its work.
see the different here:
this one is the visible BR that commonly u can see and they can view on you
On this photo: u can see the visible battle rating (141519)
This one is the invisible BR that will add only in actual battle
On this photo: u can see the added invisible battle rating (144399)
Look how many BR increase. its about thousand.
Mount attribute will stock on characters. the more mount u own = the high attribute u will receive. but this guide is about how to train your mount properly and see the how its effective.
this guide is a tip for those newbie that looking for an secret weapon when it comes in actual battle... Low level but got an high BR especially got an secret weapon when it comes in the main battle..
I never expect to win. i just want to share what guide and technique i have and proudly to share it on this thread(event)
its not about level and battle rating. "ITS ABOUT STRATEGY"
Hi people, One quick tip about things that hardly anyone mentions...
1. Use different Aegis Skill for different events and opponents
-Cancer to unlock Libra
-Libra for the world boss
2. change the position of the heroes, depending on the opponents or event
3. First upgrade your character and his equipment, then heroes
4. Save money! you'll need for higher level equipment
5. Prefer CRIT and DODGE gems! U can exchange gems that is less usful like END or AGI
And 4 end, daily tip, do all events that you can!
Enjoy your game and good luck to everyone
Character: DeDa
Server: [S55] Beholder's Road
Note: This guide has been observed to be true for one-time domination only. If this guide is not consistent in the next domination, I will take it down.
1. You cannot enter the Domination Draw unless you are in the Top 8 in a Solo Arena Group.
2. There are 8 Solo Arena Groups, namely Group A, B, C, D, E, F, G, & H
3. The Domination Draw is at 18:00 Server Time.
4. After the draw, you'll see in the Domination screen: 1st 1/2 (I call it 1st Leg), 2nd 1/2 (2nd Leg) and Grand Final.
5. The participants in the 1st Leg are the Top 8 from Solo Arena Groups A, B, C, & D.
6. The participants in the 2nd Leg are the Top 8 from Solo Arena Groups E, F, G, & H.
7. The participants in the Grand Final are the champions in the 1st Leg and 2nd Leg.
Here are the original screenshots. Solo Arena Groups were snipped less than 5 minutes before Domination draw (18:00). Domination Matches were snipped less than 5 minutes after the Domination Draw (18:00)
I apologize for the poor editing. I did it only with Paint.
IAM Ace fudo lvl 61 in prospera's Bounty(s3)
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It's a Zodiac tab,, this is needed
to strengthen your party ..
. Click the button at the top of the screen Zodiac.
. if you go, you will begin to fight with and 1 boss 2guard
after you beat the boss, then the new zodiac dungeon will appear
after you beat the boss and finish the zodiac dungeon earlier, his every day you will get a chance 1/day blitz,u can spend 100diamond to buy 1 ettemps for blitz
so the more open the dungeon of the zodiac, the more likely you are to blitz in order to increase the level of the zodiac that you can
Now we guide about aegis
to unlock aegis u must lvl 31 u can unlock in
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1.type zodiak,, you can unlock after you beat the zodiac, all the monsters in the dungeon that is the zodiac
2.zodiak locked..If you managed to open it, you will get an additional buff in the aegis, the more open the aegis increase your BR
3.This is part aegis buff,, the more you increase the level aegis
then buff increasing
4.There shard is needed, you will get it if you beat the monsters in the dungeon of the zodiac, you also can blitz him every day with a daily ration 1/dungeon,if u need more attempts u can spend 100diamond to buy one blitz
the higher levels of the zodiac that you can, it will be the higher the cost of his uprade using the aegis shard
5.smelt aegis,is a tab where you can increase the zodiac that you have open,
6.This is a shard that you get from defeating monsters in the dungeon of the zodiac, so its as good as you collect each day and were used according zodiac tactics which you think is useful for your party
then you just set in the party
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look att battle
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and damage
very helpful party
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1. Activate VIP status, get vip 4 and use ALCHEMY x7(or any free attempts)
2. Collect your ONLINE BONUS loots, dont forget check in in DAILY LOOT
3. Collect your prizes like: RETRIEVALl, GEM and POOL CHESTS ( every day at 12.00 server time rush to TIDAY POOL, use lvl 9 weapon and spam nets, for ranking up!) and RANKING rewards.
4. Use the two free attempts at RECRUIT, go to ARENA hall of fame, PRAISE 5 times.
5. Go GARDEN, collect bonuses bless friends garden , kill bugs, use water
6. Blitz ZODIAC, upgrade AEGIS, USE ANGEL WORSHIP take buffs.(u can upgrade aegis skills at lvl 10, dont worry it writes 60% success rate, but it is 100% ATM)
7. fight with ARENA opponents, dont lose attempts, wait till refresh and try get another , easier opponents.
8. GEMOLOGY (try elemine 5 or 6 bubbles for great points, and prefer vertical lines over horizontal(my opinion))
9.set WYRM RACE , ask top players to escort u. (respect bonuses!!!!)
10. Try make a good party, TEAM DUNGEON, target is the 5 gold(u can go to bottom of stair, rush to mobs as fast as u can (turn on log)), upgrade skills
11. Do EREBUS (try get 600 points, prefer omniscents, enemy encounters, treasures, divine leaps, passes, creations, and spires)
12. Do the 50 loop quests, (use blitz, over vip 4 u can clear cd, all the 50 quests took only 10 minutes) collect ALL HOT EVENT bonuses, bond angels with angel tears, use hero and mount train.(i prefer mount train over heroes, after Mount is odin, do heros to seraphim, then mount poseidon, then heroes odin level)
13. synth gems, enchant gears, always spare some money to get herosouls in RECRUIT (dont use synth scrolls on lvl 2 gems, and special gems like crit or dodge, until lvl 4(i use synth on normal gems like mattack or pdef from lvl 3 or 4 ))
14. all stamina must be use after this done. prefer higher level dungeons for higher rewards
15. cross server 3 runs for bonuses.
16 . shop: vouchers: synth scrolls, socketing rods preferred here. timeskip scrolls, angel tears offcourse goods and lvl 2 holy cristals needed later for guardian angels
17 gold shop socketing rod, timeskip scrolls. DONT BUY synth srcolls here, go and donate your guild, and buy synth scrolls for honor. also can buy some goods from guild shop, like emblem shard (emblem is the second best boost after mount)
18. if u have a guild collect wages and prize from TWilight clash
19. events are important, so go. Boss and gauntlet party setup is the same, healer die first (or second if u remove her boots) and u die last.
[Rebirth Guide] - To Rebirth, or not to Rebirth, is that your question?
Character: Vessa
Server: [S42] Paradise Lost
Hello Heroes and Angels,
Are you wondering what this Rebirth thing is all about? Well pay attention, class is about to begin.
In short, at level 55 your first Hero's Rebirth becomes available. When you Rebirth a level 55+ hero, that hero will go back to level 35, loosing 20 levels - but it'll gain 10 levels in base stats. You're hero will then be level 35 but it's just as strong as a level 45 because it gained 10 levels of base stats from Rebirth.
Once your Rebirthed hero is at level 45 it'll be just as strong as it was at level 55.
Likewise, level 55 Rebirthed Hero is just as strong as a level 65 Hero without Rebirth
So why Rebirth? Why take my level 55 hero and drop it back to level 35 with Rebirth then level it back up to 55 instead of just leveling it up to level 65 to begin with?
Because it'll take more experience to level your hero from level 55 to 65 than it will to Rebirth your hero and level it from 35 to 55 - in the end you'll have stronger heroes for the same amount of experience gained.
Tips for using Rebirth:
1) If you plan to rebirth, do it once your hero hits level 55. Your hero will go back to level 35 no matter what level it started as, so minimize the amount of levels you use, Rebirth at level 55.
2) Don't use Rebirth until you have an open Drill slot. Once you Rebirth, go Drill your Rebirthed hero.
3) Save up some Timeskip Scrolls to speed up the leveling process of your Rebirthed hero. Once your hero is back to level 45 it will be just as strong as it was at level 55.