Spring is fast approaching! With the days growing longer and the nights growing lighter, now is the time to show your true might. Find out how you can lead the war on darkness with these upcoming events and promotions.
Server: All
Duration: 3/2 – 6 (server time)
Description: From March 2 to 6, every day from 12:00-22:00, you can draw prizes in the Events Bonus menu.
Possible Prize: Lycorax Soul, Ruby Herosouls, Topaz Herosouls, Garnet Herosouls, Soulstones, Gold
- After each boss is killed, all players on the server will receive 1 prize draw.
- Any player who participates in the World Boss event will receive 2 prize draws.
- If you deal at least 1% of total DMG to all bosses, you will receive 2 prize draws.
- Additional prize draws will be rewarded for ranking on the World Boss leader board.
- All prize draws will be reset at 00:00
- After free prize draws are used up, additional draws may be purchased for diamonds.

For details please Click here
2. Fisherman's Wharf (S1-S72)

3. Cumulatively recharge (All Servers)

4. Fishing Soul (S1-S72)

5. Heroes Cultivation

6. Experience is Key (S1-S72)

7. World Boss Brawl (S1-S72)

8. Decathlon (S1-S72)

9. Heptathlon (S1-S72)
1. Event Bonus |
Duration: 3/2 – 6 (server time)
Description: From March 2 to 6, every day from 12:00-22:00, you can draw prizes in the Events Bonus menu.
Possible Prize: Lycorax Soul, Ruby Herosouls, Topaz Herosouls, Garnet Herosouls, Soulstones, Gold
- After each boss is killed, all players on the server will receive 1 prize draw.
- Any player who participates in the World Boss event will receive 2 prize draws.
- If you deal at least 1% of total DMG to all bosses, you will receive 2 prize draws.
- Additional prize draws will be rewarded for ranking on the World Boss leader board.
- All prize draws will be reset at 00:00
- After free prize draws are used up, additional draws may be purchased for diamonds.
For details please Click here
2. Fisherman's Wharf (S1-S72)
3. Cumulatively recharge (All Servers)
4. Fishing Soul (S1-S72)
5. Heroes Cultivation
6. Experience is Key (S1-S72)
7. World Boss Brawl (S1-S72)
8. Decathlon (S1-S72)
9. Heptathlon (S1-S72)