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League of Angels - Compensation 4/2

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  • League of Angels - Compensation 4/2

    Dear Heroes and Angels,

    Due to DST issue and the TA issue for some servers. The issues has been addressed. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you and we will be providing a compensation pack.

    Compensation pack for EU servers

    Click image for larger version

Name:	com.png
Views:	1
Size:	123.4 KB
ID:	1748007

    Compensation pack for TA issue of S19, S39, S53, S55, S69, S83, S89, S94

    Click image for larger version

Name:	123.png
Views:	1
Size:	114.1 KB
ID:	1748008

    Apologize again and hope you will have a good time in our game~

    R2Games LoA Ops Team

  • #2
    why dont we have 2nd compensation on S75?
    we lost CoM/ Arena rewards aswell and thats not even part of what we lost
    Freedy (15x Domi Champ, TOP16 CS TT)
    S75 Whitewater Camp
    Mystic lvl 73
    800k BR
    Zodiac: , ,
    Eternal Spire: , ,


    • #3
      That's what I call a hell of a **** compensation... You wanna apogolize for the trouble caused? In that case try to give a compensation worthy of the shi*** days you gave us by not claiming CoM/Arena rewards, WB att, Cross server stuff in s65. It just shows that you don't even care about your game.
      Last edited by Kaslabarak; 04-02-2014, 09:27 AM.


      • #4
        we lost triple the you are offering us R2 !! dont fool us and S57 had had TA bugg also !!!!


        • #5
          why us too in s91? one day we dont have arena attempt, CoM and arena reward >.> CS offline for 2 days also. Where is our compensation ?


          • #6
            uhm, thanks for compensation.. better then nothing... but its a kinda ******, thats truth :P
            and on S57 that second one should be too...

            //edit: and i wonder where are the seraph stones for the 600 devotion we lost cause no gauntlet monday and wb sunday...
            Last edited by Anguiss; 04-02-2014, 09:37 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Anguiss View Post
              uhm, thanks for compensation.. better then nothing... but its a kinda ******, thats truth :P
              and on S57 that second one should be too...

              //edit: and i wonder where are the seraph stones for the 600 devotion we lost cause no gauntlet monday and wb sunday...
              Dont use "better than nothing" here. they will treat it as good feedback from us. Its not good at all... but with new cash cow in new server, we all the old one maybe deported to slaughter house O.o


              • #8
                hope to get some seraph stones too we missed a lot this passed day's plaese give us more compasation


                • #9
                  This should include atleast some Vouchers. We lost a lot cause of the ranking bug


                  • #10
                    such bad compensation for what we lost 3 days with no cross server no solo arena attempts unable to claim rank rewards the list goes on that was just on my server S61 i used to spend money on this game well not any more very poor compensation as i game sage (game master) for a different game company this would not go down well there as it is not going down well here


                    • #11
                      Here's a hint guys: the devs don't read forums.


                      • #12
                        There's only one thing I feel I can say about this compensation.... where's my compensation for the compensation due too the lack of feeling compensated!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ithyphallic View Post
                          Here's a hint guys: the devs don't read forums.
                          Heres a hint for you hint the devs dont give out compensation the game master do devs make the game (develop the game). game masters run the game giveing rewards or compensation or lack there off
                          Last edited by R24938255; 04-02-2014, 01:58 PM.


                          • #14
                            Well is this some kind of late April Fools Day Joke or something I feel insulted with this.

                            What I would expect is the following

                            1) Some one senior with R2 to come and apologise to the community and explain what happened and how they plan to mitigate this in future.
                            2) All players to 3 days VIP for free or if they are VIP players something else in compensation instead
                            3) Any player who spent money/diamonds/vouchers or anything else to get that refunded
                            4) Some one to re-evaluate the compensation package and think really hard on what was possibly lost vs what you have given out so far as I feel they are a long long away from each other

                            IMHO I am not expecting much in the way on points 2,3 & 4 but there is nothing stopping R2 at least addressing point 1 above.


                            • #15
                              YOU CALL THIS A COMPENSATION

                              First of all > We lost 3 days on Solo Arena and TA & COM> that includes the daily and the next day the rewards for the ranks we achieved, let's do a little math, shall we?
                              Solo Arena> 10 attempts > prestige+exp+arena emblems> + rewards after reset from daily loot
                              TA > 10 attempts > prestige+dragon crests> 3 days we lost
                              COM > 10 attempts > worked, but the rewards after reset from daily loot ???? 3 days lost
                              So, Solo arena> places 51-100>800 prestige, 5 AE, 800 exp (AE - arena emblems) ----- 3 days lost on any of below rewards:
                              11 - 50>1k prestige, 7 AE, 1k exp
                              4 - 10 > 2k prestige, 10 AE, 2k exp
                              2 - 3 > 3k prestige, 15 AE, 3k exp
                              1 > 5k prestige, 20 AE, 5k exp
                              COM> places 1 > 1k Vouchers, 20 DC (DC - Divine chests>which can drop>Gold, Warsoul, Angel Tears,Topaz HeroSoul, Soulstones) ---- 3 days lost
                              2-3 > 800 vouchers, 16 DC
                              4-5 > 675 vouchers, 14 DC
                              6-10 > 600 vouchers, 12 DC
                              11-20 > 500 vouchers, 10 DC
                              21-30 > 400 vouchers, 8 DC
                              31-50 > 300 vouchers, 6 DC
                              51-100> 250 vouchers, 5 DC
                              I was Surprised we have so many events that include TA....exactly when the whole system was messed up> are u for real, are you doingthis on purpose?

                              Omnipotence > 6 TA > 30 blessed stone...lost
                              Octathlon > 5 TA > 30 dragon crests...lost
                              Arena Rage > 5 TA > 10 dragon crests...lost
                              > 6 TA > 20
                              dragon crests...lost
                              > 8 TA > 40
                              dragon crests...lost
                              > 10 TA>80
                              dragon crests...lost+++++

                              Cross> which we all know can give you a lot of rewards which i haven't seen in a long time
                              Hmmm, your compensation:

                              1. 80 stamina> really.....useless
                              2. 800k gold > only 800k? so on average 50-60 hero can make between 10-15 mil gold a came up with 800k
                              3. 40 blessed stone> we didn't lost the blessed stones during this chaos
                              4. 30 AE > serisouly? u should find another job other then making compensations for this game
                              5. 20 dragon crests > i just said above dragon crests we lost the most and you come with only 20??????
                              6.100 syn scroll>works but more
                              7.100 soulstones>works but more
                              8. 5k battle honor> nice one>nice joke, april's foul day> so where's the real amount?

                              EDIT: TA STILL DOESN'T WORK> please do give us another shi.tty compensation

                              Last edited by GreyEarth; 04-02-2014, 02:32 PM.
                              [League of Angels]-[S231]-[Huntress] - Retired

