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[Forum Event] Angel & Hero Appreciation
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Character Name: Erilleean
Server: [S199] Westbridge Pass
My Favorite Angels, just being who they are : )
The Following are random Pics of me with my Guildies!!!! edited by xTORQUILx; 07-24-2014, 05:27 AM.
Character name : Tweakley
Server: S13 Valkyrie;s Call
The Berserker Claw is a valiant loyal fighter. Always ready for battle and ready to fight tooth and nail to the last. One evening after falling on the battlefield a young angel came to resurrect him for another war. Crying tears as she used her powers, the Berserker Claw arose, with blood stained wings. Many say it was because of a blood moon that night, others say she actually cried blood, but no matter which it was the Claw that moment forward was known as an honorary Death Angel. Though some say the title is more than honorary.
Character Name : Poisonous
Server : [S196] Blightcliff
When the game was loading first, I was impatient to watch the Angel of the game " League of Angels". When I saw "Nocturna" with all her glory ; I just fell in love with her. She is more beautiful than I expected,more seductive than I imagined. She made me crazy really become mad about the game. I read all her words and never skipped even one word from her lips.Her warm welcome made me strong to fight against dark forces.I felt sad about change her but the game forced me to do that thing. After her I talked with "Prospera","Sylvia","Loralei","Marina","Glacia",then now "Boadicea" ,but I didn't felt anything special than Nocturna. It may be she is the first one I met,but still I having some special intimact with her,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
I love her...
she is beautiful,
powerful enough for a beginner,
and so so helpful as an angel..."Nocturna"
Character Name: Play
Server: S155 Io's Exhoration
Tho I have to fight each day in a world full with apex predators I shall rise above them and conquer them all , one by one . Because the most deadliest predator is the one that you wont see coming ![Guild] [Genius]Maraminx : half of the people went the wrong way
[Guild] [Genius]Maraminx : we merged with idiots
Character Name: Blade Lady
Server: S2 Sylvia's Copse
Human is in despair but there is always hope for everyone this bright light of Aoede provides hope and justice for everyone. I like all my angels very much specially the light being shown in the game.
The moment claw gives his best in the fight againts evil, i know every strikes he gave to the minon of darkness gave justice to every human suffer.
I like claw as for my backrow kill so my Aoede will do the rest.
Character name: MAHATMA18
Server: S2
Description: A friend is an Angel.,and in this game Nyssa is my friend.,she carries me through the toughest opponents and watches over my heroes when times get tough.,with the great BIG heart.,.,i will never ever leave her.,until the end of no ending...,i guess she will forever be my only angel..,a highest please....,