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[Forum Event] Angel & Hero Appreciation

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  • #91
    IGN: MeLLoW7raX
    Server: 153 Zephyr's Rage
    Click image for larger version

Name:	20131222_811571387698336.jpg
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Size:	91.1 KB
ID:	1691717

    No more, front row!
    Character Name: 7raX (MeLLoW7raX) | Server: [S153] Zephyr's Rage | Class: Berserker Level 90
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    • #92
      Someone need some health?
      Click image for larger version

Name:	20140517_223711400323289.png
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Size:	57.7 KB
ID:	1691722

      Character Name: WeLLoW
      Server: s153
      Attached Files


      • #93
        IGN: MeLLoW7raX
        Server: [153] Zephyr's Rage
        Click image for larger version

Name:	20131222_162331387698421.jpg
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Size:	107.3 KB
ID:	1691718

        She is sexy and we know it!
        Character Name: 7raX (MeLLoW7raX) | Server: [S153] Zephyr's Rage | Class: Berserker Level 90
        ██████████████ ██████████████ ██████████████
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        • #94
          Character Name: vhunter
          Server: S77

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Alecta.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	84.4 KB
ID:	1691724

          I love my Alecta, it's awesome.
          Low lvl Mystic at S77


          • #95
            Character Name: MizUndrstd
            Server: S4

            Click image for larger version

Name:	forum entry.jpg
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Size:	53.7 KB
ID:	1691727

            An Ode to Hecate

            IGN: MizUndrstd
            Server: s4
            Guild: HelloKitty


            • #96
              Character Name: toadyfroggy
              Server: S23 [Eclipse Tavern]
              Click image for larger version

Name:	Untitled.png
Views:	1
Size:	854.4 KB
ID:	1691730

              Description: My Main Toon doing the FIREBALL.....


              • #97
                I like my amora.. she is the best Angel available to me now with a attking like throwing roses to enemies.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Amora.jpg
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Size:	181.4 KB
ID:	1691731

                Character Name : isnowy
                Server : S104
                Server : S28 Dozers
                Ign : isnowy


                • #98
                  Character Name: Sernav
                  Server: S87 wildhammer fold
                  Click image for larger version

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ID:	1691733

                  Mermaid was my company all over the time and she's doing her job well.

                  Well quite one time she is the comrade of Sernav fighting alongside.She is always helping in times of war.One time Mermaid and their comrades severely damage that time Mermaid is pushing herself to use her powers that could'nt survive by her own body and she is really fading that time suddenly Sernav noticed it ,she is deadly worried to Mermaid"stop mermaid your gonna really killing yourself"said Senav.Then Mermaid replied "I have to do this to make us survive. "Your pushing yourself a lot I don't want you to lose really cause I've spend so much time to upgrade you",said Sernav. But Mermaid didn't listen to Sernav.sernav is so shocked when she saw Mermaid changing the color of her til even if her powers have a lot stronger than before."Let's do our job Sernav to unleashed our enemies and I will promise to back to you alive"Mermaid said."Okay you say it lets crash them of and rock this battleground and show them what we got", Sernav said.Grueling battle starts and exchanging of extreme attacks happen and make the half of the battleground destroy.And finally the grueling battle stops and all of the players were so shocked of what happened.All of them were amazed the battle but the thing is Sernav and her comrades have lost to that battle and severely wounded.On the other side Sernav is so happy that her beloved Maermaid friend is completely alive and safe and that day the crush of Sernav namely Mr. I able to have conversation with her and makes her comrades and angels teasing her all day.That was happened Mermaid changes her tail to golden we will not be forgotten ever...#777
                  Last edited by sernav; 07-24-2014, 11:56 PM. Reason: i"ve forget to attach appreciation


                  • #99
                    Character Name : GreenLeaves
                    Server : [S199] Westbridge Pass

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	Loralei.jpg
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Size:	79.4 KB
ID:	1691734

                    Angel Loralei- my favourite angel, natural pretty one


                    • Vou escrever na minha linguá nativa para que saibam que os brasileiros também amam esse jogo, assim como eu!

                      Me lembro muito bem daquela primeira semana de junho, um jogo totalmente em ingles, não sabia praticamente nada do jogo, nem o que significava cada quest ou evento que ali tinha.. e fui, comecei a upar aos poucos e vi que diferente de outros jogos, esse realmente dava atenção para os jogadores e não unicamente para os top cashers. Achei uma boa, pelo menos ate agora, pq consegui e consigo ainda acompanhar os fortes sem precisar gastar muito.

                      Parabens R2GAMES por darem atenção a todos os jogadores em geral e por nos proporcionar momentos unicos nessa "liga dos anjos"

                      Character Name: DiegoNunes Server: 174 Copper Coast

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	10417478_632260186852150_3906384515100010543_n.jpg
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ID:	1691735Click image for larger version

Name:	Sem título.jpg
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ID:	1691736Click image for larger version

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ID:	1691737Click image for larger version

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ID:	1691738
                      Last edited by DiegoNunesSancho; 07-24-2014, 04:34 AM.


                      • Character Name: Bluerzl
                        Server: S205
                        Description: i love loralei so much it is the highest angel that i can get now, but it is very good , I LOVE MY ANGELS


                        • Character Name: Razius
                          Server: S199 - Westbridge Pass

                          Click image for larger version

Name:	AngelL.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	75.3 KB
ID:	1691739

                          The eternal beauty of the frozen maiden dazzling through the soul....
                          Last edited by kamaleshkishore; 07-24-2014, 05:00 AM.


                          • Character Name: Razius
                            Server: S199 - Westbridge Pass

                            Click image for larger version

Name:	pic.png
Views:	1
Size:	516.9 KB
ID:	1691740

                            No matter what we are up against, nothing can break the spirit of camaraderie....


                            • Character Name: Razius
                              Server: S199 - Westbridge Pass

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	bless.png
Views:	1
Size:	677.8 KB
ID:	1691742

                              On to a journey filled with friendship with the blessings of our guardian deity.
                              Last edited by kamaleshkishore; 07-24-2014, 05:51 AM.


                              • Character Name: Bluerzl
                                Server: S205
                                Description: i love loralei so much it is the highest angel that i can get now, but it is very good , I LOVE MY ANGELS

