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Remove my wedding ring player is inactive I want to remarry

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  • Remove my wedding ring player is inactive I want to remarry

    I should not have to pay to get ring removed from being married to a player that has quit game , player has been inactive for almost 2 months now!! you make money from marriages , NO ONE should have to pay when another player quits this feature is **** if we must pay to remove and pay to get married !!

    player name ChoosenOne server s208 please take care of this asap since you have not replied to my report to support I post this here !!

  • #2
    Lessons in life, choose who you marry or your pockets will bleed.


    • #3
      I seriously doubt the GMs will make an exception for you. Everyone has to pay for a divorce (just like in real life, eh?).
      "The trolls of the Ramtops call her Aaoograha hoa ("She Who Must Be Avoided")
      and the dwarf name for her, K'ez'rek d'b'duz, translates to "Go Around the Other Side of the Mountain."

      On holiday. Please refer any issues to


      • #4
        and why should they change it to free when they now can get a lot of money from it.

        i do agree it should be free or pretty cheap.


        • #5
          should be time limit on it if the spouse is awol for 2+ months or something.
          Kabam -57 Archer
          Kabam -67 Knight
          Non casher and proud of it.


          • #6
            My partner quitted the game 1 year ago or so, I enjoy my now +40 stats xD


            • #7
              Originally posted by Gimmikc View Post
              should be time limit on it if the spouse is awol for 2+ months or something.

              This is actually a great idea and or solution but since it is great it will never happen on r2 xD

