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missing 3HP after blitzing

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  • missing 3HP after blitzing

    maybe its new "feature" but as always noone i asked got me an answer so think its a "bug"

    non cash player, not spending money on hp pots, cause there isnt enough gold to buy all things needed and try to get some br every month

    watched this for some days so i could say that it really happens:

    after blitzing catacombs, solodungeons, necro and logging out while doin it (did not watch over what happens when blitzing while online cause blitzing dont meke sense for me when being online) my hp is about 60% of max hp.

    but only when i start with full hp. so after loggin in i have to get some hp first before doing blood, maps or anything else where i need full hp.

    when its no bug then its a new feature to .... non cash players, cause pots cost lots of gold. and as far as i know vips dont have to pay for their hp.

    so fix it or give a offical statement so all players know if its wanted like this or not.

    sry , didnt notice: of course its not 3HP missing, but cant change top right now
    Last edited by MemoryLane; 06-04-2015, 03:52 AM. Reason: Partial profanity is still profanity. Please don't dodge our filters.

  • #2
    i get this sometimes on an alt.. first fight hp is at around 60%, but next fight it is back to full again and working as should. Seems to just be on the first fight you have after logging in


    • #3
      It is not just non-cash players. Everyone gets it. I have stopped drinking HP pots because of this bug unless absolutely necessary. It doesn't matter if you have 5M hp or 1M, you will lose 40% every single time. This bug has been around for MONTHS, since AT LEAST October last year.


      • #4
        like so many bugs they dont care about it ? why should they cause it brings money (about backdoor by buying hp pots).

        when i take a look at the bugs, it seems to me they only fix bugs where they dont loose money or the very big players are affected. time they change politics and go to fix bugs a bit closer so players dont get pis.sed, no matter if they pay or not, cause in the end they need both of them.


        • #5
          changing sylphs eats HP....

          1M+BR Mage

