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Over active Slyph Skills!

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  • Over active Slyph Skills!

    Exactly what happens after server maintenance, another bug!

    Anyone esle having the same problem? after slyph awakening my skill bars keeps showing my slyph skills even in passive mode and I can't do nothing but dance around like a typical! And one thing I've noticed over the years is that on every maintenace the problem listed are almost non existant as it hardly even matters, and they pride themselves of having fixed something which never existed in the first place. Is this R2 marketing at its best?
    Last edited by EsmeWeatherwax; 06-05-2015, 05:29 AM. Reason: resizing

  • #2
    I haven't heard anyone with this issue yet. Can you post a few screenshots maybe? Also post your server number, platform (R2, Kabam etc) and character name, please.
    "The trolls of the Ramtops call her Aaoograha hoa ("She Who Must Be Avoided")
    and the dwarf name for her, K'ez'rek d'b'duz, translates to "Go Around the Other Side of the Mountain."

    On holiday. Please refer any issues to

