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lost 2..3..4...5...ecc

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  • lost 2..3..4...5...ecc

    I send in 8 day's 14 ticket to the support and never I receive 1 e-mail back in 8 day's I lost 70milions of gold 2 level advanced purge runes 1 level advanced rune brutality 8 gem level 10.. 7000 BALEN (no bound BALEN) 1 ticket power of healing just activate 2 days before 20000 battle rating 10 day's check in. the problem start the 28/05/2015 THE SUPPORT continue ignore me. What I have to do to have back all LOST .Persecution legal?

  • #2
    think its time we start taking matters legally!


    • #3
      I highly can understand Your frustration, however sending multiple tickets about the same issue isn't helping much, it only slower the process.
      Please either post your ticket # here, or You are free to send PM to me.


      • #4
        Here my Ticket Number #352372 iam on the same Server then maxmamini this happens to many Player on our Server 464/467 many player left the game and many player did send ticket noone of us did become
        an answer to the Tickets i lost everything i did in the last 8 days now it happens 3 times right after the last patch on the 28th of may then on the 1st of june and after the last maintance on the 4th of june again
        i dont understand this for what we pay money into the game i lost over 700 million exp over 20k honor charm points much bound balens other player lost complete inventory rows or even real balens like maxmamini
        some other players wasnt or still arent able to do tok/spire/mpd/maps/catacombs...


        • #5
          Seeing you're both from 464/467, please refer to this thread. I'll be closing this one so that all people from that server can go to the thread I linked.
          "The trolls of the Ramtops call her Aaoograha hoa ("She Who Must Be Avoided")
          and the dwarf name for her, K'ez'rek d'b'duz, translates to "Go Around the Other Side of the Mountain."

          On holiday. Please refer any issues to

