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consume of bound balens in cloud adventure

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  • consume of bound balens in cloud adventure

    here is another happy thing

    went into cloud adventure today .. with 450 bb ..
    got lucky and found 2 chest with magic dice .. so total of 3 magic dice (used those to land on bosses)
    got unlucky and rolled lots of 1 on common dice
    when ended up only few steps before end .. i think wth .. lets buy 1 more magic dice to finish (thinking i have 450 bound balens still)

    no i get not enough bb .. so it autokicks me (bugg 1) and when i look i only have 90 bb left so must be found magic dice consumed 180 bb a piece without asking (bugg 2)

    now i guess i just have to hope on my dimentions bugg of finding a mine to make those bb taken not asked up again .. really stirs me up thou .. so guess i post it for others to watch out for

  • #2
    Originally posted by demoniced View Post
    here is another happy thing

    went into cloud adventure today .. with 450 bb ..
    got lucky and found 2 chest with magic dice .. so total of 3 magic dice (used those to land on bosses)
    got unlucky and rolled lots of 1 on common dice
    when ended up only few steps before end .. i think wth .. lets buy 1 more magic dice to finish (thinking i have 450 bound balens still)

    no i get not enough bb .. so it autokicks me (bugg 1) and when i look i only have 90 bb left so must be found magic dice consumed 180 bb a piece without asking (bugg 2)

    now i guess i just have to hope on my dimentions bugg of finding a mine to make those bb taken not asked up again .. really stirs me up thou .. so guess i post it for others to watch out for

    I never pass by that situation because I never buy dices and I rarely get them during cloud adventure run (always get flags).

    Therefore, I would suggest you contact support about this, explain the best you can about what happen since you can't provide screen shots.
    Shakespeare wrote To be or not to be .... I will say To be here or not to be here



    • #3
      lol .. i warn players about a bugg .. and choose to do it here .. its not even intended as a request to fix as that would fail .. just looking at the bugs topic u have proves that .. it grows not shrinks

      the support i can contact as u suggest .. should read its trash files as they seem to put any recieved mail into round archive beneath desk.. they have a report and closed and reopend and closed on bugg 1 * .. true bugg 2* was new ..

      but idm .. the few bb i lost .. i know i wont see them .. i am fine by not reporting things to a crappy elf that cant do jack and get a silly whiny relpy from them to upset me more and more each time ..

      in all cases i used the ticket option .. their copy paste replys dont cut it .. so support please mentor dont make me die laughing .. they still try figuring out last case posted here too (even thou esme waxed out the literaly pm the elf send me about the 100 day login event they messed up, as he was stupid enough to admit it in the mail and said they fix it, i guess esmes reason to shush it ) i still have it and can repost it if i wanted .. or send a picture of my monitor with original mails on it as they could say text can be alterd as esmes action show thou it was within boundrys of fora

      still wait on prove of event (as they ask always for prove i did it now it first ticket) or prove of resigned support karl and brain

      but i know i wont see that nor the resign note of the two support givers that blatently lie or have nose bleeds
      Last edited by demoniced; 09-19-2015, 10:12 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mentor_Phantom View Post
        I never pass by that situation because I never buy dices and I rarely get them during cloud adventure run (always get flags).

        Therefore, I would suggest you contact support about this, explain the best you can about what happen since you can't provide screen shots.
        they dont even bother answering tickets anyway so why should we even bother...


        • #5
          You always have 1 free magic dice. The other ones you purchase with bound balens. You have to click on the + on the magic dice in order to purchase another magic dice and then you have to confirm you wish to purchase it. If you did not do that, you need to send in a ticket to support and they can verify it for you. The bound balens are not just auto deducted you have to authorize it.


          • #6
            Can you please set up a video ready for next time you run Cloud Adventures. It is very hard to troubleshoot things when not everyone is facing it.


            The above is a tutorial for an easy to use video capture programme. The link on it has been reported; the player is downloadable at:

            Retired Moderator.


            • #7
              no i clearly stated the problem ..
              i not set up videos or take screenshot as long as case mentiond above and others are pending in an non exsistand support ..

              the dice came from th chests in cloud so i did not have to buy them .. yet get 3 total (yay .. not) as the use cost bound balen after first one
              and the + i used to try buy no 4 booted me after i refused to recharge (say sorry u are out of dice adventure ends) and that i reported already to silly support yet got a answer that showed they not even know whet dice i was talking about something bout is a roll so theres a luck factor .. took then almost 2 weeks to come up with that insane smart anwers so i gave up on reopening that

              seen u use the quote all over the forum ( so copy paste some other reply and read the gd thread as it says its not intended for support or to be fixed but as warning .. u fully qualify for the failing support)
              Last edited by EsmeWeatherwax; 09-20-2015, 07:29 AM.


              • #8
                Since you don't know how to behave, demoniced, this thread is now closed.
                "The trolls of the Ramtops call her Aaoograha hoa ("She Who Must Be Avoided")
                and the dwarf name for her, K'ez'rek d'b'duz, translates to "Go Around the Other Side of the Mountain."

                On holiday. Please refer any issues to


                • #9
                  Originally posted by demoniced View Post

                  can we get a screen + video shot af u whankapony yesterday .. be the same silly thing to ask
                  Sure, no problem.

                  Here is the screenshot of me before rolling the magic dice:

                  ... and after:

                  Does this prove that there is no bug in the Magic Dice? No. What does it prove? That it's not happening to everyone. If you do have it happen again, a screenshot and/or video would assist. Time stamping is important to know what is going on with those bound balen. However, a ticket is needed for that. We're unable to access accounts from the forum.

                  We do encourage for anyone who has the same issue to send a ticket also. Answering this thread would help too (so we know there is something funny going on there). Thank you for the report demoniced, and good luck with today's Cloud Adventures.
                  Retired Moderator.


                  • #10
                    Update on personal experience on magic dice

                    OK, just to get this ball rolling, uploading my experience of today's Cloud Adventure

                    Decided to roll magic dice to get a treasure chest:

                    Was a bit of a fail.. got a War Flag -_-

                    So kept going, and by absolute luck landed on another 2 treasure chest
                    1 War Flag
                    1 Magic Dice

                    Decided to use this last Magic Dice to land directly on 'finish' at the end

                    Looking forward to anyone's follow up on this issue.
                    Retired Moderator.

