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Serious lag.... Bug or no?

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  • Serious lag.... Bug or no?

    I, as well as others, have serious lag on server 605. I can barely fight in the ToK, Spire, or MPD. I have noticed that it is much worse when I use my Brutality Rune, or get brutality from eudaemon. Please help... I have tried to refresh, hide clothing, reboot my computer... clear cache... nothing helps....... I have sunk a lot of money into this game, just to not be able to play. What exactly do you guys do on maintenance? It can't be cleaning up the server or making things run more efficiently.... I tell you this is getting very frustrating when I only get 1-2 hits on a boss in an MPD.. how is that helping my team? Please respond. Thank you very much

    platform: r2
    server : 605
    player : Zombie

    as you see here.. totally frozen... cant even talk, let alone use skills...
    Attached Files

  • #2
    This is good, we usually do not see characters, skills etc, even after full refresh of caches, yesterday during Titan Wars we had frozen screens full of crit messages, so we won by an AFK several fights

    The main issue with the lag is underestimated proxies on R2 side, as they do not reflect the poor 7road application design:
    1) In reality we do not have single Flash application, but several ones independently communicating with our desks. You can check number of connections open between your PC and R2Games (and Google Analytics, Microsoft Flex ... analytics sites) using netstat command. Applications are visible inconsistent, eg. where is new sylph/eudemon changing interface on farm?
    2) They all share the same browser/mini client and its cache management
    3) Every new feature in the game is usually added as separate communication entity, so number of communications is increasing and increasing, even that some features are simplified (but not the cache load at the beginning of fight, or after opponent goes sylph mode - see developer tool in your browser, network tab for the spring of parallel loads of images for every single skill etc). The communication is burst intensive, so even collect of single milk and then feed sends separate requests-replies, so collecting farm under heavy load is ... slow.
    4) On our side, each separate communication is handled by OS kernel, which allocates memory and has priority over your browser - this is visible as slow lag
    5) But as communications increase, the number of connections grow, the proxies on R2 side should grow as well, otherwise they will funnel us and slow us down, including that they wipe proxy caches during each maintenance (and it takes 24-48h to fill them back with most usable static pictures, code etc).
    6) As I got lots of 403/404 http errors indicating that proxies are not ready with content from login/application servers, and 408/409 indicating that they are wiped fast (small cache), I started to measure what I am getting from them. Try using even single ping command to see constant fluctuation in response time indicating virtual server switching (slow connections show higher changes). Sometimes they grow on order of magnitude, especially during heavy multi-server dungeons like 4v4 arena, CW, TW or Chaos Wars.
    7) I will not go into technical details, but proxies are underestimated using minimally 1 unneeded virtualization that reduce throughput (but it is cheaper) as farm has it's own load balancing, and Xen virtualization another non-cooperating. The slow provisioning of servers and unrelated maintenance windows of platform provider (seems Saturday morning 0800 - 0900 is known slow down due to it on EU servers) lead then to issues that can be reflected as sudden lag (especially if after maintenance when caches are not filled with the new static stuff, which adds slowdown too).

    So resume? Buy better PC, faster network and sponsor R2's proxies. Maybe best is to buy 7road and change the application design, team is available, as the company wants to focus on mobile development only.

