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In-Game Freeze

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  • In-Game Freeze

    Hello im playing on the new Oceanic Server and im lvl 12 so im going to the farm then suddenly the whole page freezes ,I rrefreshed but still it was frozen please help
    In-Game Name : Qiu Qiu
    Guild :?
    BR: 6M
    Class : Mage
    Lvl : Duke ArchMage

    Give me potatoes & fried chicken to make me happy c:

    If you are lazy and put no effort the outcome wont be there.

    Poor Mages in KH

  • #2
    Clear cache on every browser you have installed & then run wartune from firefox. Do not run chrome cause when I ran wartune on chrome, it froze & then firefox started freezing too until I cleared cache again. After that wartune ran on firefox just fine except for the caching issues.


    • #3
      Similar issue here. Game is freezing not only randomly during gameplay but I have been trying for the last hour to play but it keeps freezing during loading process. I can sign in but at some random point between hitting the "play now" button and the game getting to the "playable" stage it is freezing. Sure doesn't look like they fixed much from where I am sitting. Cant even find where to send a help ticket in about it (not that I think it would help)


      • #4
        Originally posted by SocOutcast View Post
        Similar issue here. Game is freezing not only randomly during gameplay but I have been trying for the last hour to play but it keeps freezing during loading process. I can sign in but at some random point between hitting the "play now" button and the game getting to the "playable" stage it is freezing. Sure doesn't look like they fixed much from where I am sitting. Cant even find where to send a help ticket in about it (not that I think it would help)
        What browser are you on, SocOutcast? And what operating system?

