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Fasion Core Help

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  • Fasion Core Help

    Lol what happening with this wartune ? Already spend 65 Fashion Cores for just one eace of my clothes and nothing!!! Who will bring me back now hard finde and colecting tham??
    An just please dont tell me to use Screen shoot
    This game started worse than worse..Just please..bring me back my cores, this is second time you stole tham from me

  • #2
    Which event are you referring to? This one?
    Originally posted by R2_Stormaggedon View Post
    Pumpkin Pie - Clothing Identification
    Duration: 11/15/2015 00:00 ~ 11/17/2015 23:59
    Description: Identify your clothing 3 times to receive the following: 100,000 Gold, Fashion Shard x5, and Pumpkin Pie Pack x1, Clothing Shard x1. This quest can be completed multiple times a day.
    If not, which event are you talking about? Also, which server do you play on?
    "The trolls of the Ramtops call her Aaoograha hoa ("She Who Must Be Avoided")
    and the dwarf name for her, K'ez'rek d'b'duz, translates to "Go Around the Other Side of the Mountain."

    On holiday. Please refer any issues to


    • #3
      if you mean leveling clothing with cores...... I got 3 of my pieces to lvl9 with only core but it seems they have made it very hard to level them now.... I used to only have to use about 50 cores to level a piece but now I havet been able to level for months now....... it is very frustrating seeing the players in the cross server ranking with almost maxxed clothing while the rest of us get **** I guess R2 feels if the smaller players have decent clothing the whales wont spend more money?......also I remember when the biggest casher on my server only had 100k more br now they have millions more GREAT job R2


      • #4
        OK I can verify fashion cores have not counted for clothing identification this event. Not sure if it was intended that way, or an oops, but it has been reported. For those who did clothing identity using fashion cores, please send a ticket with the server time and date you did your identifying, and link this thread. Good luck
        Retired Moderator.


        • #5
          I playing on 128 server, Wartune game nick name is CoCo. An this is second time losing to much Cores on identifications of clothes. How can be one peace of clothes canot identications with 65 Fashion Cores?? Some of my friends doing with 10 and can finish full identifications. I always westing 60-100 of tham and stil did not finish ident.
          So stupid
          thank you for responde
          Ohh yes that was 16.11. 2015 lol

          Let see now how you can back my cores
          Last edited by Kirra2; 11-17-2015, 11:04 AM. Reason: forgot date


          • #6
            Yes that its true..and geting sick of this damn tickets. Already sended yestarday 2 of tham..not thay ask of me to say servret time when doing identifications.. Lol
            Realy dont know what tim,e but thay can check when I send tickets also cose was doing fast after lost rewards. And this is second time..last time lost about 80
            For what damn???
            This game making us to nervose last those months.


            • #7
              Yes that event there is not 1000 events of clothing
              Thank you
              128 server, CoCo


              • #8
                If the event is broken, isn't it easier to send out like... lets say 200 fashion cores? Doubt anyone would be sad over that, or rewards equal 60 or so identifies?

                I've done the event, don't know if it is broken, as I care to little now days to notice every single bug.

                Edit: With easier I mean everyone get compensated if it is broken on all server, instead of asking us to overflod the ticket support that is crabcake anyways.


                • #9
                  Still a bit tough to understand what the problem is. Are you trying to ID a clothing to its max? (5 stars)
                  If that's the problem, then that's just luck based if you can't get it with 60-100 cores. And which piece of clothing are you ID'ing? I hope you realize that some take 5 cores per ID.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JkLoser87 View Post
                    If the event is broken, isn't it easier to send out like... lets say 200 fashion cores? Doubt anyone would be sad over that, or rewards equal 60 or so identifies?

                    I've done the event, don't know if it is broken, as I care to little now days to notice every single bug.

                    Edit: With easier I mean everyone get compensated if it is broken on all server, instead of asking us to overflod the ticket support that is crabcake anyways.
                    very good idea


                    • #11
                      Hello all..whats going on here with this damn game?? Can I identif. myy clothes or not??
                      Anyone can tell me can I get back all my Fashion Cores cose weste here in last 4 events??
                      Canot get rewards also from this event cose only losing stupid!!
                      Just dont tell me send tickets please...cose doing that 1 month..
                      CoCo, server 128 can check today also lol...gona stop playing this game Bug in Hot events also..still no one canot see this Barbarian clothes, we are just invissible


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kirra2 View Post
                        Hello all..whats going on here with this damn game?? Can I identif. myy clothes or not??
                        This thread is from november of 2015, so I'm not sure why you're bumping this thread. That being said, this event worked fine for me... so... yes?

                        Originally posted by Kirra2 View Post
                        Anyone can tell me can I get back all my Fashion Cores cose weste here in last 4 events??
                        Canot get rewards also from this event cose only losing stupid!!
                        Can you elaborate? You haven't been able to get clothing/fashion core rewards for the past four events, or something? What do you mean 'losing cores'?

                        Originally posted by Kirra2 View Post
                        Just dont tell me send tickets please...cose doing that 1 month..
                        You will never get help for this issue if you don't send in a ticket, the mods cannot help you. The ticket fairies may not help you either, but that's not because they are physically incapable from helping you. So, follow up with them on the ticket you already have opened.

